Knowledge :: Page - 35

First Aid for Nosebleeds


Nosebleeds can occur suddenly and unexpectedly, often causing panic in the victim and others. However, in most cases, nosebleeds are not a serious medical condition and c ...

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Lozenge (Troche)


A lozenge (troche) is a solid dosage form in the form of lollipops. Lozenges are used to treat certain diseases of the mouth, throat, or digestive tract. The active subst ...

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Odontogenic Tumor


Odontogenic Tumor is a rare tumor that forms in the tooth tissue. The most important type of odontogenic tumor is ameloblastoma. Ameloblastoma is a benign but locally agg ...

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Space is a mysterious and fascinating world that has always attracted people's attention. Since childhood, many of us have been interested in space, rockets and airplanes ...

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Brachyphalangia (Gr. Brachys - Short, Phalanx - Chubby)


Brachyphalanxia (from the Greek words “brachys” - short and “phalanx” - joint, bone) is a medical term that refers to the shortening of one or more phalanges of the finge ...

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Eversion of the Eyelid


Eversion of the eyelids: etiology, symptoms and treatment Eversion of the eyelids is a pathological condition in which the edge of the eyelid lags behind the eye and is t ...

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Cinquefoil Goose.


Cinquefoil Goose: properties and applications Cinquefoil (Potentilla anserina) is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Rosaceae family. Distributed throughout th ...

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Problem Analysis, Programs And Exercises


Problem analysis, programs and exercises Problem: How to show your interest in sex? Many people face difficulties in finding a partner and establishing intimate relations ...

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Bone Tissue


Bone Tissue: Structure and Function Bones are one of the most important elements of the musculoskeletal system of our body. They give shape to the body, protect internal ...

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Fever is a protective-adaptive reaction of the body to infection. This is why the temperature rises and signs of an infectious disease appear. Even 100-150 years ago, fev ...

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