Cinquefoil Goose.

Cinquefoil Goose: properties and applications

Cinquefoil (Potentilla anserina) is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Rosaceae family. Distributed throughout the European part of Russia, where it grows abundantly near houses, along roads, in meadows, along river banks, in wastelands, pastures and forest clearings.

The stem of the cinquefoil is creeping, 10-15 cm long. The rhizome is capable of taking root at several points and producing new shoots. The basal leaves are odd-pinnate, intermittent, silvery-white-felt underneath. Potentilla goose blooms in May - September. The flowers are small, yellow, on long stalks.

Cinquefoil has not only decorative value, but is also used in cooking, cosmetics and medicine. Young leaves are used to make salads and soups. The tuberous roots, rich in starch, are boiled and eaten as vegetables. Dried and ground roots can be made into cakes. Leaf puree is a good seasoning for fish, meat and other dishes.

Potentilla leaves are used in cosmetics and to dye fabrics yellow. The aerial parts of plants serve as medicinal raw materials. Potentilla is collected away from roads and livestock grazing. Dry under a canopy, spreading a layer of 3-5 cm, carefully and often turn over and make sure that the flowers do not fall off. Stored in boxes for 2 years.

Potentilla leaves contain tannins, ascorbic acid, essential oils and bitter substances. The roots contain starch, pigments and quinic acid. The herb infusion has moderate anticonvulsant, astringent and analgesic effects. Potentilla herb can relieve spasm of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and cause a laxative effect. An infusion of milk, especially goat milk, has a diuretic effect.

Potentilla goose is a versatile plant that can be used in various fields. Use it in cooking, cosmetics and medicine to get the most out of this natural gift of nature.