Knowledge :: Page - 38

Pregnancy Hormone


Pregnancy hormone: discovery of cellular receptors The pregnancy hormone, also known as relaxin, has long been the subject of research by scientists. This hormone perform ...

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Sand Box


Sandbox If you can't get to the beach, host it at home. Make a box with seats in the corners and high walls to prevent sand from spilling out. For your baby, a few bags o ...

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Meningitis is an inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord. Based on the nature of inflammation, serous and purulent meningitis are distinguished. Causes of ...

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Infantile Cholera


Infantile cholera It occurs mainly in the summer, especially in artificially fed children. Mostly, of course, it appears due to an intestinal disorder. Diarrhea occurs up ...

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Lymph: Journey Slow But Safe


General diagram of the relationship between blood circulation and lymph flow Unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system is less centralized and does not have a p ...

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Rabies is an acute infectious disease of humans that affects the nervous system and in 100% of cases without treatment leads to death. The main source of the disease are ...

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Zharnovets Paniculata


Zharnovets paniculata: description, application and side effects Paniculata (lat. Sarothamnus scoparius) is a poisonous plant belonging to the legume family. It grows in ...

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Osteochondrosis is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system in middle and old age. This is a disease of the cartilaginous surfaces of the bones of th ...

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Edema, Ascites


Excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues and cavities of the body. More often this phenomenon is observed in the skin, subcutaneous fatty tissue, pleural, abdominal ...

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Rosehip Dog


Rosaceae - Rosaceae. Common name: wild rose. Parts used: false fruits with or without nuts, nuts. Pharmacy name: rosehip with seeds - Cynosbati fructus cum semine (former ...

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