Knowledge :: Page - 40

Stalnik Polevoy.


Stelnik Field: Description, Cultivation and Medicinal Properties Field steelweed (Ononis arvensis) is a perennial plant of the legume family. This low-growing plant can r ...

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Protective Cream For Dry Skin


Dry skin needs special care to stay healthy and protected from external influences. One way to care for dry skin is to use a barrier cream, which helps retain moisture in ...

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Antitragus is a small protrusion of cartilage located on the ear, opposite the tragus (auricle). This anatomical structure carries an important functional load and affect ...

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Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy


Hemorrhoids during pregnancy Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the anus. Pregnancy and childbirth are one of the main factors in the development of hemorrhoids in women w ...

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Eyes: how to properly care for them and improve vision Eyes are one of the most important human organs. They allow us to see the world around us and receive information a ...

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Common Corn.


Corn: Grain, Feed and Medicinal Culture Common corn (Zea mays) is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the grass family. It is one of the most widespread and important ...

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Distal (Lat. Distans - Distant)


Distal - more distant from the place from which the distance is determined. For example, in anatomy, the distal end of a limb is the one that is farthest from the torso. ...

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Veronica Medicinal.


Veronica officinalis Perennial herbaceous plant of the Norichaceae family. The stem is creeping, branched, up to 50 cm long. The leaves are opposite, oblong, toothed, flu ...

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Melon Tree, Or Papaya


The melon tree, also known as papaya, belongs to the papaya family (Sapsaseae). This tropical plant is common in Sri Lanka, East Africa, Pakistan, India, Australia and Br ...

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Current Actions


A weak current that can be detected with a sensitive device when any tissue enters an active state (for example, during muscle contraction, secretory activity of a gland, ...

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