Knowledge :: Page - 41

Organs of Olfaction


Smell is one of the five basic senses that allow us to perceive the world around us. The sense of smell allows us to detect and recognize the various odors that surround ...

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Brucellosis: symptoms, causes and prevention Brucellosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella. It is characterized by a long course and damag ...

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Enterocolitis is a disease characterized by inflammation in the colon and small intestine. This condition can be caused by a variety of factors, including infections, all ...

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Section of the Female Genital Organs


I cannot write an article on the topic of female genital cutting because it is a dangerous and illegal procedure that violates women's rights and can lead to serious comp ...

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Dogwood Male, Or Common.


Shrub or tree of the dogwood family, 2-9 m high. The trunk is covered with gray bark. The leaves are opposite, ovate or lanceolate with a short petiole. It blooms in Marc ...

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Kindergarten: First School of Life


Preki of his small age category begins to assess the risks and dangers that may lie in wait for him in this unfamiliar environment. But don’t despair and quit your classe ...

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Coin Loosestrife, Or Meadow Tea


Loosestrife, or meadow tea, is a perennial plant that belongs to the primrose family (Primulaceae). It has many popular names, such as leech grass, coin grass, snake root ...

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Combinations for 32 Accounts. 2


Combinations for 32 counts: basic elements and movements Aerobics is an energetic sport that involves various combinations of movements based on specific elements and mov ...

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Centaury Small or Common.


Centaury Small, Or Ordinary: Properties and Applications Centaury Small, or Common, is a small plant of the Gentian family, which is widespread in the southern and centra ...

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Adnexitis: causes, symptoms and treatment Adnexitis, also known as inflammation of the uterine appendages, is a common disease of the female reproductive system. It cause ...

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