Kindergarten: First School of Life

Preki of his small age category begins to assess the risks and dangers that may lie in wait for him in this unfamiliar environment.

But don’t despair and quit your classes or work for the sake of your child. A kindergarten is not just a temporary place for a child to stay, it is the first school of life, where he is given a unique opportunity to develop in the company of his peers. The first years of life are the time when a child actively explores the world and learns to communicate with the people around him. In kindergarten, he makes new friends and learns to resolve conflicts, which will later help him successfully adapt to school and society.

In addition, in kindergarten the child gains experience of independence, self-control and self-government, which will be useful in the future. The child learns to follow rules, complete tasks and work in a team, and develop his cognitive abilities and creativity through games and activities.

Of course, the adaptation period can be difficult and require increased attention from parents and teachers, but it is worth remembering that this is a temporary phenomenon and in most cases will pass on its own. It is important to support the child, to give him the understanding that his feelings and concerns are understood and accepted. He needs to know that he is loved and supported no matter where he is.

As a result, kindergarten is not only a place for a child to temporarily stay, but also a wonderful opportunity for him to get acquainted with the world and begin his path to independence and sociability. It is important to remember that adaptation is a normal and natural process, and support from parents and teachers will help to cope with it. A child who has gone through this period will become more confident and independent, which will help him adapt successfully in the future.