
Article with the title "Wednesday"

There are very few areas of human activity where one could do without hands. And how many household and sometimes professional chores fall on women’s hands. We must be able to do everything or almost everything and at the same time keep our hands strong, flexible and beautiful. Therefore, today, as you probably already guessed, we will get acquainted with a set of exercises for the hands.

Hand mobility needs to be developed by increasing the range of motion of all joints and especially the shoulder girdle. When performing almost all arm exercises, the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back, pectoral and neck muscles are also partially involved in the work. Arm exercises promote proper breathing, improve blood circulation and chest mobility, while helping to eliminate shoulder deficiencies (sagging, drooping, thin shoulders that lack muscle mass).

Before you begin the actual exercises, you will perform mobility tests on your shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints. The shoulder girdle takes part in respiratory movements; the high mobility of its joints affects the amount of inhalation and exhalation. In addition, good mobility of the shoulder joints is important for maintaining correct and beautiful posture. Now get ready to run the tests.

Test 1. Raise your arms bent at the elbows and cross your forearms behind your head so that your fingers point towards your shoulder blades. If your fingertips touch your shoulder blades, then your shoulder joints can be considered quite mobile.

Test 2. Stand with your back to a chair and grab its back with your hands from above so that your thumbs are on the inside. Place one leg slightly forward and squat as low as possible, without lifting your arms from the back of the chair and without tilting your torso from the vertical. Normally, the lines of the arms and torso should form a right angle.

Test 3. Stand with your back to the wall at the distance of your feet, spread your arms to the sides, palms forward. Normally, you need to touch the walls with your fingers