Knowledge :: Page - 44

Definitions of Ovulation


Ovulation Definitions Ovulation is a physiological process that occurs in women of childbearing age and is the release of a mature egg from the ovarian follicle into the ...

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Rules for the Introduction of Complementary Feeding


Hello! Here is my article with the title “Rules for the Introduction of Complementary Feeding”: Complementary feeding is an important stage in the diet of a child in the ...

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Cassette With a Fairy Tale


Cassette With a Fairy Tale: How to make a car ride enjoyable for a child and parents Traveling by car with children can be a challenging task, especially if the road is l ...

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Pyelonephritis in Pregnant Women


In the acute form of pyelonephritis, pregnant women experience severe pain in the lumbar region, increased body temperature, nausea, vomiting, frequent urination, as well ...

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Tuberculosis: main symptoms, diagnosis and treatment Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This disease can affect various organs, b ...

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Karyokinesis (Gr. Karion - Core, Kinesis - Movement)


Karyokinesis is the processes occurring in the cell nucleus during mitosis. During karyokinesis, genetic material is distributed between daughter cells. Karyokinesis incl ...

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The threshold is the minimum value of a stimulus at which it can still cause a sensation or reaction. Threshold values ​​are typical for all sense organs and reflect thei ...

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Vegetables should form the basis of baby food. You can prepare a lot of delicious dishes from them. Only they need to be properly prepared for heat treatment and the heat ...

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Cubebe pepper


Cubebe pepper: description, active ingredients and use Cubebe pepper, also known as tailed pepper or decoy grains, is a plant in the pepper family (Piperaceae). Its pharm ...

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Monarda, Or Golden Melissa


Monarda, or golden lemon balm, is a herbaceous perennial belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Its botanical name is Herba Monardae, and its homeland is located in South and ...

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