Knowledge :: Page - 47

Parasympathetic Nervous system


Parasympathetic Nervous System The parasympathetic nervous system is a branch of the autonomic nervous system. Parasympathetic fibers originate in the brain and sacral sp ...

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Typhoid Fever


It usually takes 1 or 2 weeks from infection to illness with this typhus. At this time, the patient feels only slight fatigue, but remains on his feet. Then the temperatu ...

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Boils, Bones, Boils, Carbuncles


Abscesses most often result from a splinter or dirt caught in a scratch. The splinter must be removed immediately and the wound must be washed with manganese or boric aci ...

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Composition of Alveolar Air


Alveolar air is the air in the human lungs located in the alveoli. This air has a special composition that differs from atmospheric air. In this article we will look at t ...

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Physical And Breathing Exercises That Delay the Aging Process


Physical And Breathing Exercises That Delay the Aging Process Regular health exercises will help you feel the beauty of the internal movement of energies, strengthen the ...

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Common daisy.


Common daisy A perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, 10 cm high. The leaves are lobed, short-petiolate, form a rosette around single leafless peduncles. Bl ...

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Section of the Male Genital Organs


Male genital section: everything you need to know The male genital organs are an important part of the male body, which plays a crucial role in the reproduction of the hu ...

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Is Diabetes Control Possible With Long-Acting Insulin Only?


Is it possible to control diabetes with long-acting insulin only? If a person has type 2 diabetes mellitus, it is possible to treat the disease with only long-acting insu ...

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Valerian officinalis.


Valerian officinalis A perennial herbaceous plant of the valerian family, up to 2 m high. The rhizome is vertical, short, thick, hollow inside, densely planted with long ...

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Furuncle of the Nasal Vestibule


It occurs as a result of trauma and scratching, usually inflicted by the patient's finger, with the introduction of a staphylococcal infection into the sebaceous glands a ...

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