Knowledge :: Page - 48

Wolfsbane, Or Fighter, Pharmacy


Deadly poisonous! Guarded. Buttercups - Ranunculaceae. Parts used: young, this year's root tubers, as well as the entire above-ground part during flowering. Pharmacy name ...

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Snowball On Time


Snowfalls and frosty weather are a great time to teach a girl handicrafts. If your little one has already mastered the basics of sewing and knitting, it's time to move on ...

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Geranium Robertov


Geraniums - Geraniaceae. Common names: stink bug, stork beak. Parts used: herb and root. Pharmacy name: Robertova geranium herb - Geranii robertiani herba (formerly: Herb ...

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Balsam Tree Peruvian


Legumes - Fabaceae (Leguminosae). Parts used: gum from branches and trunk. Pharmacy name: Peruvian balsam - Balsamum peruvianum Growth. This large tree, up to 16 m in hei ...

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Hernia smooth.


Smooth herniator Hernia smooth is a small perennial herbaceous plant of the carnation family with numerous branched recumbent stems 5-15 cm long, pressed to the ground an ...

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Borage, Or Borage Herb.


Borage, Or Borage Borage (Borago officinalis) is a biennial herbaceous plant of the borage family, which is also known as borage. This plant can reach a height of 20 to 6 ...

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Zheltushnik Levkoiny


Jaundice Levcoyus: goose death from the cruciferous family Levcoyum, whose scientific name is Erysimum cheiranthoides, is one of the most poisonous plants in the Brassica ...

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Stock Rose Pink: Description, Application and Healing Properties Pink hollyhock (Malva arborea) is a perennial plant from the mallow family (Malvaceae), known for its med ...

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Cocoa Or Chocolate Tree


Cocoa is an evergreen tree that reaches a height of 5 to 10 meters and has a trunk diameter of about 25 cm. It forms a dense crown with dark green shiny leaves that reach ...

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Male Shield Fern, Or Male Fern


The Male Fern, or Male Fern, is a member of the Dryopteridaceae family, formerly known as the Aspidiaceae family. The part of this plant used is the rhizome, which has th ...

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