Knowledge :: Page - 51

Focal Pneumonia


Focal pneumonia Focal pneumonia is caused by various bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.) and viruses (most often influenza and measles viruses). The carriers of ...

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Diarrhea: causes, symptoms and treatment Diarrhea is a condition in which a person has frequent and loose stools. This can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as infe ...

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Osteomyelitis of the Jaws


Osteomyelitis of the jaws Osteomyelitis of the jaws is an infectious inflammatory disease that affects all elements of the bone tissue of the jaw. There are the following ...

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Terracotta Powder


Terracotta Powder: the perfect product for the summer season The summer season is the time when we all strive to look fresh and radiant. And now terracotta powder becomes ...

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Orthogenesis (Gr. Orthos - Direct, Gennan - Generate)


Orthogenesis Orthogenesis (from the Greek words orthos - “straight” and gennan - “to generate”) is evolution moving in one specific direction, “straightforward” evolution ...

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Calcium Chloride


Calcium Chloride: Action, Indications, Method of Administration and Contraindications Calcium chloride is a chemical compound that is widely used in medicine and pharmaco ...

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Belladonna, or Belladonna


Deadly poisonous! Belladonna is a deadly poisonous plant from the Solanaceae family. It has popular names: mad cherry, crazy berry, sleepy cherry, damn berry, drunken bus ...

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Breast Newborn


Newborn Breast: Understanding and Care Neonatal breastfeeding is a phenomenon in which the mammary glands become enlarged and become firm and sometimes painful in infants ...

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Corvalol: sedative, antispasmodic and vasodilator Corvalol is a drug that is widely used in clinical practice to treat various diseases of the cardiovascular system and n ...

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Budra Ivy-shaped.


Budra Ivy-shaped A perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family, up to 60 cm long. The stem is tetrahedral, rooting. Flowering shoots erect. The leaves are petiolat ...

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