Balsam Tree Peruvian

Legumes - Fabaceae (Leguminosae). Parts used: gum from branches and trunk. Pharmacy name: Peruvian balsam - Balsamum peruvianum


This large tree, up to 16 m in height, grows in Central America. Collection and preparation. It is very interesting to obtain a balm, because it is extracted from the plant in a completely different form than in which it goes on sale.

First, they knock on the tree trunk near the base with some blunt instrument. Then cuts are made in the outer layers of the bark and burned with a burning torch. After a few days, gum emerges from the cuts and is collected with rags.

After this first collection, the cuts in the bark are made deeper and burned again, after which a second portion of gum is obtained. Finally, by boiling rags soaked in the leaked gum and pieces of bark, a raw balsam is obtained, which is then subjected to various processes of distillation and purification. The end product is a fragrant, dark, syrupy balm.

There are very different varieties of balm on sale, with different colors, consistencies and even compositions. The reason for this is the complex multi-stage process of its extraction. Pharmacies sell only high quality balm. Active ingredients: from 50 to 75% cinnamein, consisting of 2/3 benzyl ester of benzoic acid and 1/3 benzyl ester of cinnamic acid; 30% resin, free cinnamic and benzoic acids, nerolidol, coumarin, farnesol and vanillin. All these substances are aromatic.

Healing action and application.

Peruvian balsam is a gentle skin care and cleanser; It is also used as an antiseptic that causes wound healing, cleanses purulent wounds, and helps with frostbite of varying degrees. To treat hemorrhoids, special suppositories are made with Peruvian balsam. Scabies, which is now almost uncommon in Germany, is also treated with Peruvian balsam.

Peruvian balsam is used internally exclusively for chronic bronchitis. Unprocessed balm is rarely consumed; ointments that treat all of the listed diseases are prepared after processing it. Peruvian balsam is especially indispensable in veterinary medicine. The so-called foot scabies in chickens, a parasitic disease, can be cured very quickly. Tick-borne scabies in dogs, horses and cattle also improve.

Side effects.

Some people's skin does not tolerate Peruvian balsam, as well as ointments based on it. In addition, one must beware of prolonged use on large areas of the skin: there may be complications on the kidneys.