
A pandemic is a high-intensity epidemic that affects the population of one country, several countries or an entire continent. Pandemic spread is characteristic mainly of infectious diseases with an airborne transmission mechanism and a usually short incubation period with a very high susceptibility of the population.

An example of a disease that can lead to a pandemic is influenza. The influenza virus spreads easily through the air and has a short incubation period. Under favorable conditions, the virus spreads quickly among people and can cover entire regions or even continents, causing a pandemic.

The main factors contributing to the emergence of a pandemic include: the emergence of a new subtype of the virus to which the population has no immunity; high contagiousness (infectiousness) of the virus; possibility of rapid dissemination thanks to transport networks and intensive international contacts.

To prevent or slow the spread of the pandemic, various measures are being taken - quarantine, travel restrictions, mass vaccination of the population. However, pandemics remain a major threat to public health around the world.

A pandemic is the general spread of an infectious disease within the territory of states, on the territory of neighboring states, as well as outside the territory of permanent residence to the population, significantly exceeding the sporadic extent of the disease. More people become infected with influenza than with other diseases because it spreads so quickly and infects many populations. Thousands of people die during flu outbreaks. Influenza is severe for patients and can lead to complications such as pneumonia (inflammation of the lung tissue), meningitis, encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), multiple sclerosis, toxic shock, acute necrotizing pancreatitis, or viral diarrhea.

A pandemic is a widespread and universally characteristic process of destruction of the stability of communities (either within a population or in a natural community; or socio-psychological, socio-cultural communities), arising under the influence of phenomena (human and natural) that significantly and permanently change the “norms”, “routines” of interaction between individuals that objectively influence the lives of representatives of different hierarchical levels of the system, from individuals, primary groups to communities as a whole. The set of actions implemented after an object is infected by various methods is based on pre-developed plans to combat a specific pandemic. Such a confrontation involves: * Countering the implementation of the strategic tasks of the aggressor and his goals in the shortest possible time and in a specific way: - various strategies of disinformation and concealment of information about the pandemic, its main symptoms, facts, trends and its real nature; - influencing the population without the help of so-called “experts” in all types of information and communication with the population; - restrictions on opportunities in the field of medical care for sick members of society; * Situational counteraction to the implementation of the strategic goals of the aggressors through complex efforts and some strategic methods at the disposal of all subjects of such struggle. It highlights the most important aspects:

- creation of epidemic control centers; - unification of medical services and public order services; - centralized provision of medicines and equipment; - use of vaccines; - development of new media in society; - reconstruction of the state production and educational base that ensures the production of vaccine systems and diagnostic tools; creation of information networks; - forecasting and preventing outbreaks of epidemics of various diseases; - organizing training of the population in methods of countering the spread of infections.