Snowball On Time

Snowfalls and frosty weather are a great time to teach a girl handicrafts. If your little one has already mastered the basics of sewing and knitting, it's time to move on to more complex techniques.

Start by embroidering the prepared pattern on a hoop. Choose a simple pattern and floss threads in bright colors. Show your daughter how to hoop fabric, thread the needle, and make neat stitches. This embroidery will be a wonderful decoration for pillows, napkins and clothes.

If your girl is already good at crocheting, teach her how to knit simple items - hats, scarves, mittens. Let her knit warm clothes for herself and the dolls for the winter. Crocheting develops fine motor skills and patience.

And if you yourself don’t know how to sew or knit, swap children with a friend for a couple of hours. Let her teach your daughter the basics of needlework, and you show her son how to cook a delicious dinner. This exchange of experience will benefit everyone!

On frosty days, girls are so interested in mastering women's crafts. Therefore, a snowball on time is an excellent reason to develop the talents of a young needlewoman!