Zheltushnik Levkoiny

Jaundice Levcoyus: goose death from the cruciferous family

Levcoyum, whose scientific name is Erysimum cheiranthoides, is one of the most poisonous plants in the Brassicaceae family, also known as Cruciferae. The popular name “goose death” speaks for itself, indicating the danger this plant poses to animals and people. The pharmaceutical name for the plant uses the term “jaundice herb” (Erysimi herba), which was previously known as “Herba Erysimi”.

Botanical description

Levcoyum is an annual plant, approximately 20-40 cm high, with entire or irregularly toothed leaves and cross-shaped flowers. The entire plant has appressed pubescence. Levcoyum is found on arable lands and in gravelly places.

Active ingredients

Jaundice Leucea contains cardiac glycosides, which are similar in action to strophanthus. These substances are poisonous and can cause serious health problems, including cardiac arrhythmias and poisoning. Therefore, you should not use Levkoyna jaundice without consulting your doctor.


Although it is a dangerous plant, it can sometimes be used as a heart remedy and against convulsive coughs. However, caution is required when using this plant for medicinal purposes, and the use of Levcoyum should only be done under the supervision of a qualified physician.

In conclusion, Leucacus jaundice is a dangerous plant that contains toxic substances. Although this plant is sometimes used as a heart remedy and against convulsive coughs, its use should only be done under the supervision of a qualified physician. If you find Levkoiny jaundice in your environment, do not touch it and do not allow contact with children and animals to avoid possible poisoning.