Knowledge :: Page - 43

Belozor Bolotny.


Belozor swamp A perennial plant of the Belozoraceae family, 8-40 cm high. The stem is thin, ending in a white flower. The flowering shoot is ribbed, often single, and has ...

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Cycles (Gr. Kyklos - Circle)


Cycling is a circular movement of cytoplasm commonly seen in plant leaf cells. Circular movements of the cytoplasm play an important role in the transport of nutrients an ...

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Uterine Bleeding


Uterine bleeding The cause of uterine bleeding (UB) can be various gynecological diseases (chronic inflammation of the appendages, uterine tumors, etc.), termination of p ...

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Composting is a method of preparing fertilizers for the purpose of neutralizing household, agricultural and some industrial waste and waste. It is based on the decomposit ...

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A diagnosis is a brief medical report about the nature of the disease and the patient’s condition. The diagnosis is made using methods developed by a special field of med ...

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Gorichnik Nasturtium


Gorichnik Nasturtium: description, application and healing properties Nasturtium gorychnik (Imperatoria ostruthium or Peucedanum ostruthium) is a perennial plant that bel ...

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Was Caesar called?


The goal is to minimize the risk of complications and increase the safety of mother and child. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the Stark method, which was develope ...

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Cytostatic Disease


Cytostatic disease Cytostatic disease is a kind of polysyndromic disease that occurs due to the impact of cytostatic factors on the body and is caused by the death of mai ...

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Sterol (Slerol)


Sterol (Slerol) is a member of a group of alcohols that belong to the class of steroids. Steroids are important molecules that perform various functions in the body, incl ...

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Problems, Problems... Problems of Cosmetics


In the modern world, choosing cosmetics is becoming increasingly difficult for many women. They face problems related to the prestige of the product, its packaging and co ...

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