Was Caesar called?

The goal is to minimize the risk of complications and increase the safety of mother and child. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the Stark method, which was developed in 2005 and was named after the American anesthesiologist Lewis Stark. This method involves the use of fewer anesthetics during a caesarean section, which reduces the risk of complications for mother and baby. In addition, this method can reduce recovery time after surgery, which is especially important for women at high risk of complications.

Recommendations for women

A caesarean section is a major operation that can have negative consequences for mother and baby. Therefore, doctors recommend that women who are planning childbirth discuss with them all the possible risks and benefits of this operation. If a woman does not have medical indications for a cesarean section, doctors recommend vaginal delivery. However, in some cases, a caesarean section may be necessary to save the lives of the mother and baby.

In conclusion, we can say that caesarean section is one of the most common operations in obstetrics. It has its own history and evolution, which are associated with the constant improvement of methods for carrying out this operation. Today, caesarean sections are performed quite often and are safe for mother and child. However, like any surgery, it has its risks and contraindications, so it is important to discuss this issue with your doctor and make an informed decision.