Magic Games With Water

Magical games with water are a great way to entertain a child and at the same time develop his curiosity. In this article we will look at some amazing experiments that can be done using ordinary water and simple objects that can be found in every home.

The first experiment we suggest is to invert a plastic cup filled with water without letting it spill out. To do this, the child must cover the cup with a piece of paper and turn it upside down, pressing it with his hand to the paper. Water will not spill out due to the air pressure acting on the paper from below. This experience will help your child understand that the same laws that hold water in place help airplanes fly.

For the second experiment, you will need a paper handkerchief or napkin, which must be crumpled up and placed at the bottom of a plastic cup. Then the cup needs to be turned upside down, making sure that the paper remains inside, and placed strictly horizontally on the surface of the water. When the child lifts the cup, he will see that the paper remains dry. This is due to the air bubble that is created inside the cup when it is immersed in water. The air prevents liquid from penetrating into the cup and soaking the paper.

Such magical scientific experiments will not only surprise and entertain the child, but will also help him better understand some of the laws of nature. In addition, conducting such experiments develops curiosity and interest in science. Try these experiments with your child and watch him marvel at the magic of water.