
A receptacle for collecting sewage, which is an underground part of a non-sewered yard (outdoor) latrine, backdoor closet or garbage dump. Sewage is removed from the V. using sewage transport (see Sewage). The V. device must satisfy the established requirements. requirements to protect air, water and soil from pollution. Incorrect device V. can lead to the spread of various bacterial and parasitic diseases, for example, ascariasis.

V. is placed at a distance of at least 15-°5 m from residential buildings and no closer than 25 m from wells, the depth of the V. should not exceed 2-2.5 m, the distance between the bottom of the V. and the groundwater level must be at least 0 .5-1 m. The construction of deeper waterways connected to the aquifer is strictly prohibited.

A mandatory requirement during the construction of a V. is the construction of waterproof walls, so the V. pit must be lined with brick, stone and concreted.

Sewage in waterproof V. is in a liquid state and, to a lesser extent, can be a breeding ground for flies. Their larvae are found only on the surface of sewage, where they can be destroyed by disinfectants.

In the warm season, the surface of the V. must be covered daily with dry bleach; this repels flies and prevents their development. The outer surfaces of the V. are isolated from the ground with a clay castle (a layer of crumpled clay 40-50 cm thick). The structure of the pit with permeable (wooden) walls, even with a clay castle, does not prevent contamination of the soil and groundwater; helminth eggs are found at a distance of up to 2 m from the walls of the pit horizontally in all directions and at a distance of up to 1 m below the bottom of the pit.

The V. hatch is made with a tightly closing lid (the absence of light in the V. reduces the breeding of flies).

In the prevention of soil pollution, the timing of the removal of sewage from the V. is of great importance. Liquid waste from the V. latrines is removed as it accumulates, but at least once a month, from the V. luft closet - at least 2 times a year, and from the V. garbage dumps through every 5-7 days in summer and 12-15 days in winter.

A cesspool is a sanitary facility located on the territory of a private house or cottage, in which temporary storage and accumulation of household waste, as well as liquid fractions, takes place. It is a hole deepened into the ground, fenced around the perimeter with a waterproofing barrier.

Cesspools come in a variety of sizes and shapes, but most often they are rectangular or square in shape and are about 1-2 meters deep. They can be either closed or open, that is, have a hole in the top that is closed with a lid.

The main functions of a cesspool are the collection and storage of liquid fractions and household waste. It also functions as a filter, which allows you to purify wastewater from harmful substances and bacteria. In addition, a cesspool can serve as a source of water for watering plants if it is properly equipped.

To equip a cesspool, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work. First, you need to choose a suitable location on the site. It should be dry and located on a hill to avoid flooding. Secondly, it is necessary to prepare a pit that will serve as a pit for waste. Its depth should be at least 1.5 meters and width - about 2 meters.

After preparing the pit, you should begin waterproofing it. For this, you can use various materials, such as bitumen, roofing felt or special geosynthetic membranes. It is important to ensure that the pit is completely sealed to prevent the leakage of contaminated water into groundwater and soil.

Next, you need to install special containers in the pit to collect liquid fractions. They can have different designs and volumes, but usually have a lid with a drain hole. It is also important to provide a ventilation system that will remove unpleasant odors and gases from the pit.

To prevent contamination of soil and groundwater, it is necessary to regularly clean the cesspool. This is usually done every few months or years, depending on the intensity of use. During the cleaning process, it is necessary to remove all solid waste and rinse the pit with water.

Cesspool - sanitary equipment for the temporary accumulation of liquid waste, used in one-story buildings of the estate and sectional type, as well as in multi-storey residential and public buildings without a centralized sewerage system, is also used in areas of estate houses with equipped waste disposal areas. It consists of walls made of reinforced concrete rings with a bottom laid in a pit on concrete supports, coated at the joints with clay mortar or filled with bitumen. Concrete of class not lower than B80 and rolled steel can be used during construction

A cesspool is a sanitary structure, which is a waterproofed pit. It is intended for collecting and receiving feces, household and other human waste. The purpose of the cesspool is to reduce operating costs for transporting waste and wastewater to a remote site for disposal. The phenomenon of the origin of cesspools can be found already in the times of primitive society, many centuries before the formation of centralized waste collection systems, etc. Over time, the evolution of this simple solution gave rise to various sewers, waste systems and other modern methods of collecting and transporting waste.