About Tastes and More

A person's taste preferences can tell a lot about him. They can reflect cultural traditions, social status, lifestyle and even health. But what to do when it comes to the preferences of a little person who is just beginning to explore the world?

Now it’s no secret to anyone that during pregnancy a woman’s preferences sometimes change dramatically. This only means that the tastes of mother and baby may be completely different. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised if you suddenly want something unusual.

But how do you find out what exactly your baby likes? It is necessary to understand that at first words mean little to the baby; he is guided only by your feelings. Therefore, it is important to learn to feel your preferences and moods.

To begin with, imagine a certain dish: feel its taste, smell, texture. For example, a cake with fresh strawberries and snow-white whipped cream, a cup of strong coffee. Now try to listen to your feelings. Are you comfortable and calm? This means that the baby agreed with this choice. Did you feel uncomfortable and nauseous? In his own language, the little one said a firm “no.” Then, perhaps, cake and coffee won’t do right now. Maybe a salty cookie—crispy with golden sesame seeds. Did your little one like it? It's his choice!

You can always come to an agreement with your child. For example, if during pregnancy you suffered from nausea and discomfort while moving, try to negotiate with your baby. You promise to buy him his favorite red fish, and he will help you get to work safely on the subway or bus. Thanks to such arrangements, you can build rapport with your child and easily recognize his preferences.

And don't forget about the music! Try to find out what sounds your baby likes. Try to listen to a variety of music and offer him a choice of musical instruments, style or composer. Let your baby enjoy music and develop his taste preferences.

In conclusion, it is important to understand that tastes are not only food preferences, but also personal characteristics. Each person has his own tastes, and they can change depending on his mood, situation and experience. Therefore, you should not be afraid to experiment and try to diversify your diet and the diet of your baby. The main thing is to listen to your feelings and respect your child’s preferences. Thanks to this, you will be able to establish a harmonious relationship with your baby and help him develop in every sense.