Allergy - Extreme Reaction

An allergy is the body's increased sensitivity to a substance that is normally tolerated by other people. For example, in the spring, some people often sneeze, or their eyes get irritated, or their nose stings. An allergy is a response to the antigen-antibody reaction of our immune system. An allergic reaction can appear immediately (asthma attacks, skin rash) or after some time, as happens when transplanted tissue is rejected.

Allergens can be very diverse, because there are a great many natural and synthetic substances that can cause such a hypersensitive reaction. Dust, feathers, fur and pollen are allergens that enter the respiratory tract. Food allergies can be caused by eggs and shellfish. Some cosmetics also cause allergies when they come into contact with the skin. Parasites, mites, fungi and germs also cause allergies. In addition, some medications, such as penicillin, can cause severe allergic reactions.