Knowledge :: Page - 39



Senade: a laxative for constipation in children and adults Senade is a medicine used to treat constipation in adults and children. It belongs to the group of laxatives an ...

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Relief Press Without Problems


Beautiful and toned abs are the dream of many women and men. But it is not always possible to achieve this goal without problems. Excessive stress on the abdominal muscle ...

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Petals (Gr. Petalon - Leaf)


Petals (from the Greek "Petalon" - Leaf) are modified leaves that form part of the flower. They are located inward from the sepals and outward from the stamens, and are u ...

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Zyuznik European


European Zyuznik: description, application and healing properties European grasshopper (lat. Lycopus europaeus) is a perennial plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. It ...

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Cell structure


Cell Structure: Everything You Need to Know About the Unit of Life The cell is the basic unit of life for all organisms on the planet. It performs all vital functions and ...

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Limitation of mobility in the joint. Congenital contractures are rare. They manifest themselves in the form of clubfoot. Acquired contractures can be neurogenic as a resu ...

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An internode is the area of ​​a plant stem between two adjacent nodes. Nodes on the stem form at the attachment points of leaves. Therefore, the internode is the part of ...

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why does it happen so often? One of the key stages of the menstrual cycle is ovulation - the process of the release of a mature egg from the ovary, which occurs approxima ...

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Leuzea Sofloridae, Or Maral Root.


A perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, more than 1.5 m high. The rhizome is branching, woody, dark brown, with numerous thin, hard, elastic roots and a sp ...

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Decompression Illnesses


Decompression Illnesses: Causes, Symptoms and Prevention Decompression illness is a serious disease that occurs when body tissues are saturated with nitrogen in an area o ...

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