Relief Press Without Problems

Beautiful and toned abs are the dream of many women and men. But it is not always possible to achieve this goal without problems. Excessive stress on the abdominal muscles can lead to some health problems, such as crooked posture or even disruption of internal organs. In addition, lower back pain often occurs when doing abdominal exercises.

In order to avoid these problems, it is necessary to perform complex exercises that work not only the abdominal muscles, but also the back muscles. One such exercise is the ball exercise.

To perform this exercise, you need to position yourself on the ball so that your pelvis is on it, and rest firmly on the floor with both hands. Your legs should be straightened so that your feet are shoulder-width apart. Then, as you exhale, you need to simultaneously tense your entire upper torso and raise your legs to a straight line with your torso. Your gaze should be directed to the floor in front of you. After this, we slowly lower our legs to the starting position and inhale again.

It is important to avoid excessive leg lifting and arching in the lower back. Try to perform 2-3 approaches until you are tired, but at least 15 times. If you cannot perform more than 8-10 repetitions, then you can use a half-ball with limited amplitude or a regular squat, which also loads the target muscles.

This exercise comprehensively works the muscles located in the lower back, gluteal muscles and thigh muscles, which allows you to solve problems with lower back pain and avoid excessive stress on the abdominal muscles.

But remember that ball exercises cannot replace proper training and proper nutrition. In addition, before starting classes, you should consult with your doctor and trainer to avoid injuries and achieve maximum results.

So, if you want to have ripped abs without problems, add this exercise to your workout, do it regularly and don’t forget about proper nutrition and general physical activity. Good luck!