Herpes – Pregnancy Threat

infections – their recurrent nature. After the initial illness, the virus remains in the body for life, periodically reactivating and causing new rashes. The frequency of relapses can vary - from several times a year to isolated cases throughout life.

Herpetic infection and pregnancy

Herpes is a serious threat to pregnancy, especially when the primary disease occurs during pregnancy. In this case, the virus can cross the placenta and infect the fetus, which can lead to its death or developmental defects. In addition, herpes can be passed on to the baby during childbirth, which can also cause serious complications.

With relapses of the disease, the risk of transmitting the infection to the child is significantly reduced, but still remains non-zero. Therefore, women suffering from herpes should be sure to inform their doctor about this and follow his recommendations.

Treatment and prevention of herpes infection

Treatment of herpes infection includes the use of antiviral drugs, which can reduce the frequency of relapses and reduce the severity of clinical manifestations. However, during pregnancy, some antiviral drugs may be contraindicated, so treatment should only be carried out under medical supervision.

Prevention of herpes infection includes practicing good hygiene, using condoms during sexual intercourse, and avoiding oral-genital sex if you have a rash on the lips or genitals. It is also recommended to strengthen the immune system, because with a weakened immune system, the risk of relapse of the disease is much higher.


Herpes infection is a serious problem for pregnant women and can lead to serious complications for the fetus. Therefore, women suffering from herpes should be sure to inform their doctor about this and follow his recommendations. It is important to remember the possibility of asymptomatic disease and to follow the rules of hygiene and prevention to prevent transmission of infection.