Knowledge :: Page - 42

Mysterious Sounds


Mysterious sounds: how to maintain a homely atmosphere There are so many sounds in our lives that we usually don't even notice. The hum of the washing machine, the splash ...

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How to Change the Dose of Insulin During Various Illnesses?


How to Change the Dose of Insulin During Various Illnesses? During illness, the body's need for insulin increases, therefore, the dose of the drug must also increase. To ...

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Calendula Officinalis Or Marigold.


An annual herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, 40-60 cm high. The stem is branched, softly pubescent, ribbed. The leaves are alternate, covering the stem, the lower ...

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Prostatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment Prostatitis is a nonspecific inflammation of the prostate gland in men. It is often combined with inflammatory damage to the p ...

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Orchids - Orchidaceae. Pharmacy name: collected unripe and fermented vanilla fruits - Vanillae fructus (formerly: Fructus Vanillae). Botanical description. This orchid is ...

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DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)


DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the basic chemical that makes up the genetic material of all living organisms on Earth. This molecule contains all the necessary informatio ...

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Diet No. 1B


Diet No. 1B Indicated for patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers, acute gastritis and chronic gastritis with preserved secretion, chronic duodenitis in the acute stage ...

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Chromatin (Gr. Chroma - Color)


Chromatin (Gr. Chromium - Color) Chromatin is an easily stained component of the cell nucleus that forms a weave of threads within it. It consists of DNA and protein. Chr ...

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Toothwort nine-leaved


Toothwort nine-leaved: description, properties and use in folk medicine Nine-leaved toothwort (lat. Dentaria enneaphyllos) is a herbaceous plant of the Brassicaceae famil ...

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Birthmark: causes, types and treatment methods A birthmark is a skin malformation that may appear at birth or appear later. A birthmark can be pigmented, vascular, warty ...

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