How to Change the Dose of Insulin During Various Illnesses?

How to Change the Dose of Insulin During Various Illnesses?

During illness, the body's need for insulin increases, therefore, the dose of the drug must also increase. To correctly select the dose of insulin during illness, it is recommended:

  1. Independently increase the dose of each injection by 2 units, but not more than 10% of the daily dose.

  2. Check your blood sugar regularly. If it remains elevated despite increasing your insulin dose, you should consult your doctor.

  3. Your doctor may recommend temporarily changing your usual treatment regimen while you are sick to better control your sugar levels.

  4. After recovery, it is important to return to the previous insulin dosage prescribed by your doctor for your normal condition.

Thus, timely adjustment of the insulin dose and regular monitoring of blood sugar levels will help avoid serious complications of diabetes during illness.