Stimulation of the Body's Defenses

Simultaneously with cleansing and antiparasitic treatment, stimulation of the body's defenses begins. The tumor separates from the tissues of the body and acts as a huge mucous parasite such as a mycelium or colony, so it is necessary to prevent it from carrying out this separation. First of all, it is necessary to activate the field, energetic influence on the part of the body. Then increase both general and local circulation of fluids (blood, lymph). Next, saturate the tissues with oxygen and regulatory substances, activating the nervous control of the body.

If a person can fast and drink his own urine, this will be one of the best ways to eliminate general intoxication of the body and stimulate its defenses.

For prevention and during antitumor treatment, anticancer microenemas can be used. Their action is based on the fact that chlorophyll actively suppresses pathogenic intestinal microflora, promotes disinfection and normalization of blood, and has a general stimulating effect on the entire body. Plant phytoncides also contribute to this.

In addition to microenemas, it is recommended to take onions and garlic, which contain powerful phytoncides.

For stomach and intestinal cancer, you can take propolis pills. They also stimulate the body's defenses.

Paula Kerner offers a method of taking distilled kerosene to treat cancer. In her opinion, kerosene stimulates lymph vessels and heals the blood. However, further research is needed to confirm the effectiveness and safety of such treatment.

Thus, there are a number of natural remedies that help stimulate the body's defenses in the fight against cancer. However, their use must be agreed with a doctor and carefully monitored to avoid side effects.