
Birthmark: causes, types and treatment methods

A birthmark is a skin malformation that may appear at birth or appear later. A birthmark can be pigmented, vascular, warty and have different sizes and shapes. In this article we will look at the main types of birthmarks, their causes and treatment methods.

Pigmented birthmarks

Pigmented birthmarks are formed from skin cells containing the pigment melanin and skin nerve sheath cells. They can have different sizes and shapes, the surface can be smooth or warty, and the color can be brown. Hair often grows on the surface of pigmented birthmarks.

Vascular birthmarks

Vascular birthmarks are formed due to the proliferation of blood vessels in the skin. They can be bright red, pink or purple in color and come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Sometimes they appear as bright red or dark blue nodules with a granular or lobulated surface above the skin level, sometimes growing to large sizes.

Warty birthmarks

Warty birthmarks rise on the skin in the form of brown-black, warty growths. They can have different sizes and shapes and must be protected from damage and prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Causes of birthmarks

The causes of birthmarks can be different. For example, pigmented birthmarks may appear due to disruption of melanin metabolism processes, and vascular birthmarks may appear due to the proliferation of skin capillaries. Warty birthmarks can be associated with genetic factors and heredity.

Treatment methods for birthmarks

The question of the possibility or necessity of removing birthmarks is decided only by a doctor. Typically, treatment of birthmarks is carried out in the following cases:

  1. if the birthmark is located in a place where it can cause cosmetic discomfort;
  2. if the birthmark increases in size or changes its shape and color;
  3. if the birthmark is at risk of developing malignant tumors.

Treatment options for birthmarks may include surgery, laser therapy, and cryodestruction (removal of the birthmark using liquid nitrogen). However, before deciding on treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo regular examinations to monitor the condition of birthmarks and exclude the possibility of developing malignant tumors.

In conclusion, birthmarks are a skin malformation that can have different types and appear in people at different ages. Although most birthmarks are harmless, some may require treatment. It is necessary to consult a doctor if redness appears, pigmentation increases or decreases, or the birthmark rapidly enlarges. In addition, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations to monitor the condition of birthmarks and exclude the possibility of developing malignant tumors.

A birthmark is a special mark on the body that cannot be removed by any medical or cosmetic methods. The name comes from the Greek word “naeu” - birthmark. Moles have a special shade and structure, as well as a specific type of pigment. They can be located on a variety of parts of the body, including the face, neck, back, stomach and arms. The structure of a birthmark is associated with abnormalities in the development of melanocytes (cells responsible for the production of melanin pigment in the skin), which leads to excessive accumulation of pigment under the skin and the formation of birthmarks.

Most birthmarks are a “normal” modification of the human body and are harmless to health. Most people have at least one mole, but special attention should be paid to those cases where there are several different birthmarks in one area or merging; these cases are signals of possible health damage. But, still, don’t panic if you have a mole and it’s just a matter of skin color.