Diet No. 1B

Diet No. 1B

Indicated for patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers, acute gastritis and chronic gastritis with preserved secretion, chronic duodenitis in the acute stage after discontinuation of diet No. 1A.

The diet contains proteins 90 g, fats 90 g, carbohydrates 300 g, table salt 8-10 g, free liquid 1.5-2 l. The weight of the daily diet is 2.5-3 kg. Calorie content 2600-3000 kcal.

The diet is mechanically, chemically and thermally gentle. Food is predominantly dairy, given in semi-liquid or pureed form, boiled or steamed. Plant fiber and extractive substances are excluded. The temperature of cold dishes is not lower than 15°C, hot food is not higher than 62°C. Small meals 5-6 times a day.

Recommended: white bread crackers, thinly sliced ​​and not browned; soups based on a mucous decoction with the addition of pureed cereals and egg-milk mixture; cutlets, meatballs, dumplings, rolls, soufflé from lean meats, poultry and fish, steamed or boiled in water; pureed milk porridges from various cereals, except millet; soft-boiled egg, steam omelette; jelly, jellies, juices from sweet fruits and berries; sugar, honey; milk, cream, freshly prepared cottage cheese with milk and pureed sugar, steamed curd soufflé; tea with milk or cream; rosehip decoction with sugar. Butter is added to prepared dishes.

The same dishes and products are excluded as in diet No1A.

Sample diet menu No1B:

Breakfast: Steamed curd soufflé, pureed oatmeal porridge, milk

2nd breakfast: Milk

Lunch: Semolina milk soup, Steamed meat cutlets with mashed potatoes, Fruit jelly

Afternoon snack: Milk jelly

Dinner: Steamed fish cutlet, Carrot-beet puree, Tea

At night: Milk

For the whole day: White crackers 100 g, Butter 25 g, Sugar 30 g