Impact of Adverse Weather Conditions on Health

Unfavorable weather conditions include magnetic storms, changes in atmospheric pressure, sudden changes in temperature, and untimely onset of seasons. All of these factors have a negative impact on human health.

While a woman is young and healthy, she hardly feels the impact of weather changes. But older people with poor health are acutely aware of upcoming changes and confidently predict this or that weather based on their deteriorating health.

Magnetic storms caused by solar activity provoke exacerbations of chronic diseases. Changes in atmospheric pressure lead to headaches and increased blood pressure. Sudden changes in temperature weaken the immune system and can trigger colds.

To reduce the negative impact of weather conditions, doctors recommend that older people and people with chronic diseases avoid hypothermia and overheating, drink more fluids, and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. It is also useful to take vitamins and adaptogens, which increase the body's resistance to stress. Timely correction of treatment in case of deterioration will also help reduce the influence of weather factors.