Variations With Color

Color is an important aspect of our lives as it affects our mood and emotional state. Some people prefer certain colors that can reflect their personality and character. However, there is also the concept of color types, which states that people's types differ according to the color palettes of the seasons. In this article we will look at the color variations associated with each color type.


People belonging to the "Spring" color type are distinguished by light, cheerful and bright colors. The main color for them is rich yellow. Also suitable for them are golden brown, chestnut, brown, light brown, gray, white, matte eggshell color, golden beige, beige, light gray, gray, black, bright and pale blue, turquoise, baby blue, blue , light blue, aquamarine, color of linden and walnut leaves, light and dark green, bright yellow, green, peach, apricot, orange, coral pink, pastel pink, orange-red, carrot, pink, golden in various shades , yellow-gold, bright yellow, red, thick violet, violet, violet-blue, violet and blue-lilac.


People belonging to the “Summer” color type are characterized by slightly muted colors, and the most basic color for them will be blue. In addition, they are suitable for the color of unbleached natural wool, beige (light and dark), light gray, beige, gray-blue, light blue, blue (from dark to bright blue), tourmaline, green, emerald, pink, hot pink , burgundy, cyclamen, violet, burgundy and dark purple.


People belonging to the “Autumn” color type prefer rich tones: yellow, orange, red-burgundy. They also suit coffee, nut, mahogany, chocolate, brown, creamy white, white, sandy caramel, beige, turquoise, lapis lazuli, blue, sea green, lime green, pea, khaki, grass green, yellow green, bottle green, olive, terracotta, orange, red, dark red, wine red, burgundy, raspberry, hot pink, fuchsia, purple, violet, lilac, violet blue and blue green.


People with the Winter color type prefer bright, contrasting colors such as black, white, red and blue. In addition, silver, metallic, graphite, light blue, royal blue, dark blue, purple, hot pink, red, coral, yellow, green, dark green, blue-green and violet-blue suit them.

In general, color types are just guidelines, and each person can wear the colors that he likes and that suit his taste and style. Ultimately, the main thing is to enjoy those flowers that bring joy and pleasure!