Leuzea Sofloridae, Or Maral Root.

A perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, more than 1.5 m high. The rhizome is branching, woody, dark brown, with numerous thin, hard, elastic roots and a specific resinous odor. The stem is cobwebby, ending in an almost round basket.

Leaves are alternate, oblong-ovate; the lower ones are petiolate, the upper ones are sessile. Blooms in the 2nd year in July - August. The flowers are purple-lilac.

The fruit is a brownish achene. Ripens in September - October.

Leuzea soflora is a rare plant of Altai and Sayan.

Inhabits the subalpine zone at an altitude of 1700-2000 m. Introduced into cultivation. It can grow in one place for 5-8 years.

Propagated by seeds. Plants develop well on fertilized, drained soils, with groundwater no closer than 1.5-2 m from the surface. The area is cultivated in the same way as for row crops.

For digging, add 2-3 kg of rotted manure or compost, 6 g of phosphorus and 3 g of potassium and nitrogen per 1 m2. Seeds are treated and stratified for 1 month. Sow in early spring, 1-2 days after tillage, sometimes in autumn, planting to a depth of 1.5-3 cm, with a row spacing of 46 cm.

Shoots appear on the 9-20th day. During the growing season, crops are weeded and loosened. In transitional areas, dead leaves are removed in late autumn and the soil is harrowed.

Rhizomes of the 1st year of life serve as medicinal raw materials. Dig them out with a shovel at a depth of 30 cm, quickly shake them off, wash them in cold water, free them from impurities and dry them at a temperature of 35–40°C.

Store in a wooden container in a dry place for 3 years. Leuzea is a valuable forage plant. Silage prepared with its additives significantly improves the growth and development of animals and has a beneficial effect on the reproduction of the herd.

The raw materials contain resinous, tannin and coloring substances, essential oil, alkaloids, mineral salts, inulin and ascorbic acid.

Rhizome preparations exhibit a clear stimulating and tonic effect in functional disorders of the nervous system. Altaians believe that this root “raises a person from 14 diseases and fills him with youth.”

Liquid extract and tincture have a good effect during physical activity, as muscles recover faster and the body consumes less energy balance.

Leuzea is prescribed for mental fatigue, impotence and chronic alcoholism. Sustainable results were obtained in the initial period of illness.

After 10-20 days of treatment, there is an improvement in general condition and mood, sleep and appetite are normalized, performance increases, and sexual potency increases. Long-term and poorly dosed use can cause a persistent increase in blood pressure. With low blood pressure, Leuzea preparations have a positive effect.

The industry produces a liquid extract of Leuzea, red-brown in color, with a bitter taste, which, when diluted with water, forms a cloudy solution. Prescribe it 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day before meals. It is part of the Sayany drink.

Store in a cool place, protected from light.