Uterine Bleeding

Uterine bleeding

The cause of uterine bleeding (UB) can be various gynecological diseases (chronic inflammation of the appendages, uterine tumors, etc.), termination of pregnancy (incipient miscarriage), as well as some general diseases of the body (blood diseases accompanied by impaired blood clotting).

The nature of MK can be different. They can be abundant and scanty (smearing); Heavy bleeding can cause a life-threatening condition (severe anemia). Such cases are a serious reason to call an ambulance.

MK can coincide in time with menstruation. In some cases, menstruation begins on time, but it is more abundant than usual and is accompanied by the release of bloody clots - the woman has to change pads much more often; in other cases, the amount of blood lost remains the same, but the duration of menstruation increases (up to 10-12 days), the intervals between menstruation are significantly shortened. MK can also occur in the intermenstrual period; layered on menstruation, they give it a disorderly character.

Sometimes the occurrence of urticaria may be preceded by a more or less prolonged delay in menstruation, not associated with pregnancy. All of the bleeding listed above are called dysfunctional; they are characteristic of puberty and menopause.

Thus, a reduction in the duration or prolongation of menstruation, its intensification or, conversely, the appearance of scanty discharge, as well as erratic bleeding - all this is a sign of trouble due to various reasons.

Correct and effective treatment is possible only if the true cause of urticaria is established and, what is very important, with early detection of the disease. If spotting appears several years after the cessation of menstrual function, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

You need to especially carefully monitor the girl’s health during puberty. It is necessary to establish close emotional contact with her so that, without shame, she can inform her mother about the appearance of bloody discharge. Only in this case can you monitor the nature of menstruation, identify existing abnormalities in the menstrual cycle and consult a doctor in a timely manner, thereby preventing the occurrence of bleeding and other pathologies.