Beautiful Hips Without Getting Up From The Sofa

Monday is the main day of the week when we usually make decisions to start a new lifestyle. Many of us want to go on a diet, do exercises in the morning and quit bad habits. However, getting up 10-15 minutes earlier to exercise can be challenging, especially if you like to snuggle in bed. But don’t despair, because you don’t have to do exercises while standing. You can start with exercises while lying on a sofa or bed.

Today we offer you an exercise that will engage the buttocks, the muscles of the back of the thigh and the lumbar spine. This exercise is called "bridge". You can perform it not only as an element of exercise, but also as an independent exercise at any time of the day or night.

To perform the bridge exercise, lie on your back, bend your knees, feet on the couch shoulder-width apart, and arms along your torso. Tightening your buttocks and the muscles of the back of your thighs, raise your pelvis as you exhale until your legs and torso are in line. At the top of your hip raise, extend your left leg while remaining on your right leg. At the same time, it is important not to lower the pelvis and keep the buttocks tense. As you inhale, first lower your left leg onto the sofa, and then lower yourself completely to the floor. Repeat the same for the right leg. Try to do 10-15 times on each leg.

Every time you rise and fall, control the pace of movements: it should be calm so that you can feel the work of the muscles. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions with rest breaks between sets. If you find it difficult to perform this exercise on one leg, perform it on two legs, avoiding placing too much weight on your shoulders so as not to place stress on the lumbar spine.

Why do we suggest you do this exercise on the couch? Because it will be more difficult to perform due to the softness of the sofa and also maintaining stability on one leg. After all, the support for the foot (if it is without a sneaker) is not entirely stable compared to the floor. So no one can blame you for laziness if you start doing this exercise in the morning.

You can add the bridge exercise to your routine or perform it at any time of the day or night when you have a few minutes to spare. It will help strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, as well as make the lumbar spine more flexible and mobile. In addition, performing the exercise on the couch can be more comfortable and less traumatic for those who have problems with their knees or other joints.

However, do not forget that any new exercise should be started with caution and gradually increase the load. If you have any medical contraindications or are unsure of your physical fitness, consult a doctor or trainer. Also remember that exercise is not a substitute for proper physical activity and proper nutrition, so try to maintain an active lifestyle in general.