Is Diabetes Control Possible With Long-Acting Insulin Only?

Is it possible to control diabetes with long-acting insulin only?

If a person has type 2 diabetes mellitus, it is possible to treat the disease with only long-acting insulins, when the need for this drug is small. However, if the patient suffers from type 1 diabetes, it is difficult to control it with long-acting insulin alone.

Long-acting drugs are designed to recreate basal insulin secretion. It is also necessary to restore normal blood sugar levels after meals. In desperate situations, long-acting insulin can be administered with the expectation of peak activity during meals. This will help control some of your sugar.

However, it is not possible to achieve complete compensation for type 1 diabetes with long-acting insulin injections alone. For effective treatment, short-acting insulins are also needed to replenish the hormone deficiency after meals.