Condurango: properties and application
Condurango is a vine shrub native to South America. Used medicinally in the form of the bark of young stems, which contains bitter condurangin, essential oil, flavonoids and coumarins. The pharmaceutical name for Condurango bark is Condurango cortex, and the name for wine is Condurango vinum.
Condurango bark is used medicinally to strengthen the stomach and improve digestion. It contains a lot of bitterness, which helps with loss of appetite and decreased secretion of gastric juice. In addition, condurango bark tea may reduce nausea and vomiting, which often occurs in cancer patients.
In homeopathy, the homeopathic drug Condurango is used, which is rarely used in D1 dilution for stomach diseases and lack of appetite. The medicine is given 5-10 drops 3-5 times a day.
Condurango bark has been known since 1870 and has since been mentioned in all medicinal reference books. At that time it was thought that it cured syphilis and cancer, but both of these opinions have not been confirmed. Nowadays, condurango is used mainly in the form of wine to strengthen the stomach and improve digestion.
When preparing condurango tea, you need to pour 1-2 teaspoons of the bark with cold water, slowly bring to a boil, remove from the stove, cool completely, strain and then heat again until warm. The fact is that condurangin is almost insoluble at high temperatures. Drink tea, if necessary, 1 cup unsweetened