Joy Or Principles Or Don’t Make Your Life Complicated!

as a child and you will be doing complex repair work or preparing a complex dish. Give him something to do that will be interesting and safe while you are busy with your own business.

Often parents are faced with a dilemma: follow their principles or give in to their child for the sake of instant joy. But in this case there is no need to complicate your life. It is worth remembering that a child does not always understand our principles and motivations, so it is important to choose battles that are worth winning and not worry about the little things.

For example, if your policy is not to buy your child too many toys, but you notice that he really wants a specific toy that will be a real source of joy for him, then perhaps you should make an exception. You shouldn’t complicate your life and create a tense environment for the sake of one minor violation of principles.

It is important to remember that a child is an individual who has his own needs and interests. You shouldn’t dictate your will to him, but you shouldn’t deviate too much from your principles for the sake of instant joy. It is important to find a balance between your principles and the desires of the child, taking into account his age, personality and needs.

Sometimes, in order not to complicate your life, it is enough to simply accept the fact that not everything can be perfect. It is important not to strive for perfection, but to find joy in small things and unexpected situations. A child is not only responsibility and difficulties, but also a source of joy and happiness.

In conclusion, I want to say that you should not complicate your life in order to follow strict principles. It is important to find a balance between your principles and the desires of the child, taking into account his individuality and needs. You shouldn't dictate your will, but you shouldn't deviate too much from your principles for the sake of instant joy. It is important to find joy in small things and unexpected situations, not to strive for perfection, but to simply enjoy life with your child.