Melon Tree, Or Papaya

The melon tree, also known as papaya, belongs to the papaya family (Sapsaseae). This tropical plant is common in Sri Lanka, East Africa, Pakistan, India, Australia and Brazil. The tree can reach a height of 4-6 meters and has a crown consisting of large petiolate leaves divided into 7 segments. Papaya fruits are very large, weighing up to 7 kg, and have a shape resembling a melon. When ripe, the fruits are yellow in color and the pulp has a sweetish taste. Local residents consume the yellow pulp of the fruit fresh and prepare compotes from it.

The parts of papaya used are the unripe fruits and leaves. Collecting unripe fruits is very important, since their peel contains a clear milky juice, which is obtained by making cuts. When exposed to air, this juice quickly dries out and hardens, and this is the juice that is called Papaya-Latex. From it the enzyme papain is obtained, which in its crude form is called papayotine. The leaves are collected when they are young.

Papain is an important enzyme found in the milky juice and leaves of papaya. It is one of six enzymes isolated from papaya juice. In addition to papain, papaya juice contains chymopapains, lysozyme, callase, lipase and glutamine transferase, as well as amino acids. Papaya leaves contain papain and other enzymes, glycosides, saponins and alkaloids.

The papain enzyme, as well as the Papaya-Latex enzyme mixture, are used in the form of various ready-made preparations for disorders of gastrointestinal secretion, especially when it is difficult to digest proteins. In the tropics, papaya milky juice is used as a remedy against tapeworms. The leaves are also used as an anthelmintic.

Papaya also has uses in the cosmetics industry. The enzyme papain is found in many cosmetic products, as it is able to dissolve proteins, which makes it useful for cleansing the skin of dead cells and stimulating its regeneration.

In conclusion, papaya is a very useful plant that is successfully used in medicine and cosmetology. Its papain enzyme helps improve digestion and cleanse the skin, and the yellow pulp of its fruit is a tasty and nutritious product that can be eaten fresh or used to prepare compotes and other dishes. Also being a rich source of vitamins and minerals, papaya deserves attention and regular inclusion in our diet.