
Trichomoniasis is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The causative agent is the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis. Infection occurs through sexual contact.


In women, trichomoniasis is manifested by inflammation of the vagina, cervix, discharge from the vagina of foamy whitish discharge with an unpleasant odor, itching and burning in the vagina.

In men, trichomoniasis is most often asymptomatic. In some cases, there is inflammation of the urethra, pain and burning when urinating.


Trichomoniasis can lead to infertility in both men and women. Women may develop inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. In men - prostatitis. In addition, Trichomonas can be carriers of other sexually transmitted infections.


The diagnosis is established based on the analysis of smears and cultures from the urethra in men and the cervical canal and vagina in women.


Trichomoniasis is treated with antibiotics from the 5-nitroimidazoles group. Treatment of both sexual partners is necessary.


  1. using condoms;
  2. exclusion of casual sexual relations;
  3. careful personal hygiene.

Trichomoniasis is dangerous due to possible complications and transmission of other infections. Therefore, timely treatment and prevention of the disease is important.

Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis) is a sexually transmitted infectious disease (STD) caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. The disease is accompanied by inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system and often leads to infertility. Trichomonas vaginalis is one of the simplest microorganisms that live in the vaginas of many women. It is difficult to estimate the exact number of cases, since trichomoniasis often affects people who do not have a sexual partner at all and women examined during pregnancy. Trichomonas is more common in women between the ages of 20 and 35, but cases of the disease have been reported even in girls. The incidence rate is three times higher in women living in developed countries. But trichomoniasis is not always transmitted through sexual intercourse; non-compliance with hygiene procedures and sharing of hygiene products also plays a role. From the genitals, pathogenic microorganisms easily spread to the hands, then to household objects, where they can survive for a long time.

The total number of factors that can be affected by trichomoniasis is 4. These are:

1. Distortion of the vaginal ecosystem by various mechanisms. During sexual intercourse, Trichomonas infects a woman and usually involutes into the partner's penis and then reintroduces itself into the vagina. One Trichomonas is capable of multiplying very quickly, mastering various areas of the female genital organs;

2. Weak reactivity of the woman’s body, which can lead to activation of opportunistic flora in conditions of weakened immunity after a serious illness or surgery;

3. Decreased sensitivity of the mucous membranes of the upper sections

Trichomoniasis, also known as trichomoniasis, is an infectious disease of the genitourinary system caused by the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis. Despite the fact that trichomoniasis occurs quite often, not many people know about it and associate it with infection only after the disease has progressed to an advanced form. At the same time, trichomoniasis has a number of features - the pathogen is sexually transmitted and for a long time may not be recognized as the cause of the disease. How to detect the presence of trichomoniasis in men? What are the symptoms of diseases in men, what tests does a man need to undergo to identify Trichomoniasis? How is the infection treated? All these issues are covered in the article, which was created on the basis of medical articles from the MEDIUM resource.