Infantile Cholera

Infantile cholera

It occurs mainly in the summer, especially in artificially fed children. Mostly, of course, it appears due to an intestinal disorder.

Diarrhea occurs up to 40 times a day, colorless, watery, with vomiting first of food, and then like rice water, severe thirst.

The stomach retracts, the face becomes senile, and convulsions appear. Then the temperature quickly begins to drop, the child weakens and dies after 2-3 days.

If this disease is detected, you should call a doctor, but if there is none, then give the child tanalbin 2 times a day alternately with calomel: tanalbin 2 times a day, 0.2-0.3 (depending on age) and 2 times calomel, 0. 1.

Tie the tummy warm. Give an enema with a very weak solution of tannin, then make the bath warmer, and after the bath, wrap it up well so that the child sweats. If you are very thirsty, give a teaspoon of clean water, slightly tinted with red wine to maintain strength, and also water with egg whites.

If a bottle-fed child gets cholera, then you need to stop giving him cow's milk for several days, and only water with whipped raw egg whites and cognac or mucous decoctions of barley or rice.

To prevent any intestinal diseases, you should never wean your baby in the summer.