Water And Urine

Water and urine: role in the life of the body

Water and urine are two important elements in the functioning of the human and animal body. They play a key role in the urinary system and ensure the proper functioning of many other body systems.

Urinary system - why is it needed?

The urinary system is responsible for removing toxins and other harmful substances from the body. Some substances, such as nitrogen produced during protein metabolism, can accumulate in the body and pose a health threat. The urinary system helps get rid of these substances by excreting them through urine.

Main components of urine

Urine consists primarily of water, which makes up about 95% of its volume. It also contains urea and uric acid, which are formed during metabolism and are excreted from the body through urine. Mineral salts make up about 2% of urine volume. Residues of drugs and other substances are also excreted through urine.

The role of water in the body

Water is one of the most important elements in the human and animal body. It is involved in all cell nutrition processes, transporting nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. Water also helps regulate body temperature by removing excess heat through sweat.

How does the body get water?

The human and animal bodies receive water from different sources. Most water is consumed through food, which contains water. Even foods like apples can be 90% water. However, to maintain proper fluid balance in the body, it is also necessary to drink enough water.

Some animal species, such as camels, can survive without water for long periods of time. This is due to the fact that they have a reserve of fat that can be used as a source of water. In addition, camels may produce less sweat, and their long legs and necks promote air circulation, helping them retain moisture in their bodies.

Some plants, such as cacti, have adapted to life in conditions of limited water. They have no leaves and carry out photosynthesis in their thick trunks, where they can store as much water as possible. Other plants, such as mesquite, have roots deeper than 50 m where the soil is moist.


Water and urine play an important role in the life of the human and animal body. The urinary system helps the body get rid of harmful substances and maintain health. Water is a vital element involved in all processes of cell nutrition, regulation of body temperature and many other functions. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the body gets enough water and monitor the health of the urinary system.