Lozenge (Troche)

A lozenge (troche) is a solid dosage form in the form of lollipops. Lozenges are used to treat certain diseases of the mouth, throat, or digestive tract.

The active substances in the lozenges are gradually released during resorption and have a local therapeutic effect. For example, lozenges with mucous substances are used to moisturize and soften the irritated mucous membrane of the throat during colds. Antiseptic lozenges help with sore throat and other inflammatory diseases of the throat. Painkiller lozenges relieve sore throats.

Lozenges are easy to use, especially for children. They gradually dissolve in the mouth, providing a local effect of the medicine on the affected area. Lozenges are available in a variety of flavors, making them enjoyable to consume.

Lozenge (Troche) is a solid dosage form that looks like candy. It is widely used to treat various diseases of the mouth, throat and digestive tract. Lozenges have many advantages over other forms of medication, which is why they are becoming increasingly popular among patients and doctors.

One of the main advantages of lozenges is that they can be used to treat various diseases of the mouth and throat. For example, lozenges can be used to treat tonsils, sore throat, pharyngitis and other throat infections. They can also be used to relieve pain and inflammation after head and neck surgery, such as tooth extraction or adenotomy.

Another important benefit of lozenges is that they can be used to treat diseases of the digestive tract. For example, lozenges can be used to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers and to relieve symptoms of gastritis. They can also be used to treat nausea and vomiting caused by various causes, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Lozenges also have a number of other advantages over other forms of medication. They can be easily carried and stored and have a pleasant taste and aroma, which makes them more enjoyable to eat, especially for children. In addition, they are easy to use and do not require much water to swallow, making them convenient to use in any environment, such as when traveling or at work.

Despite all these benefits, you should consult your doctor before using lozenges. Depending on the disease and condition of the patient, the doctor may recommend a certain type of lozenge and a certain dosage. It is also important to consider possible side effects associated with the use of lozenges and follow your doctor's recommendations.

In conclusion, lozenges (Troche) are an effective and convenient form of medication that can be used to treat various diseases of the mouth, throat and digestive tract. They have many advantages over other forms of medications such as medicinal tablets or capsules. However, before using lozenges, you should consult your doctor and follow his recommendations.

Lozenges (troche) are a solid dosage form that is used to treat various diseases of the mouth and throat. They are small lozenges that contain active ingredients such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory agents or antiseptics.

Lozenges can be used to treat gum disease, caries, sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other diseases. They help reduce pain, inflammation and swelling, and prevent further infection.

In addition, lozenges can be used to prevent infections after dental procedures such as tooth extraction or implantation. They can also help treat digestive tract conditions such as gastritis, stomach ulcers or heartburn.

When choosing lozenges, you need to take into account their composition and dosage. Some lozenges contain only one active ingredient, while others may contain multiple ingredients. You should also pay attention to possible side effects and contraindications for use.

It is important to remember that lozenges are not a substitute for medical treatment. If you have serious diseases related to the mouth or throat, you should consult a doctor to receive qualified help.