
A set of methods and techniques for assessing the morphological characteristics of the human body: measuring height, weight, external body shape (skull size, chest circumference, neck, shoulders, forearms, thighs, legs), as well as a number of functional indicators (lung capacity, muscle strength, etc.) .). In this case, measuring and descriptive characteristics are used.

Measuring characteristics are expressed in numbers; descriptive ones (for example, eye color, shape of the chest, abdomen, pubic and armpit hair growth, etc.) are established during examination by comparison with various standards - tables and models.

Anthropometry is widely used in medicine, mainly in the study of physical development. When monitoring the physical development of children, anthropometry is of particular importance, as it is an indicator of the growth and formation of the body.

In the first year of a child’s life, measurements of height, weight, head circumference, chest, etc. are carried out during medical examinations monthly, in preschool age - at least twice a year, in schoolchildren - annually. Systematic anthropometric measurements of children make it possible to timely identify violations of physical development (stunting, lack of weight gain, etc.), which, as a rule, are the earliest signs of any diseases or evidence of a violation of the regime.

Anthropometry is also used during clinical examination, medical examination of those conscripted into the army, and during medical monitoring of athletes. The simplest measurements are carried out during self-control. The results of anthropometry are used in industry when developing standards for the sizes of clothing, shoes, furniture, when designing and equipping a modern workplace, etc. Anthropometry is of great importance in criminology and forensic medicine.

To obtain reliable data for anthropometry, measurements are carried out on a naked body, usually in the morning. Repeated measurements should be taken, if possible, at the same time.

Height (body length) is usually measured with a stadiometer. The person being measured must touch the device stand at three points: heels, buttocks and scapular area; the head should be in such a position that the tragus of the ear and the outer corner of the orbit are on the same horizontal line.

Body weight is determined using medical scales. The person being measured stands in the middle of the scale platform. Weighing is recommended in the morning, on an empty stomach.

The chest circumference is measured with a measuring tape. It is placed on the chest posteriorly - at the angle of the shoulder blades, in front - under the nipple (in women - on the 4th rib).

The abdominal circumference is determined with a measuring tape in a standing position with quiet breathing, the tape is applied at the level of the navel.

Shoulder circumference is measured with a measuring tape at maximum tension of the biceps muscle and with the arm extended.

Spirometry is the determination of the vital capacity of the lungs, i.e. the maximum volume of air exhaled after a deep breath; produced by a spirometer. The measurement is carried out 2-3 times, taking into account the maximum result.

Dynamometry is the measurement of muscle strength, carried out with spring dynamometers - deadlift and manual.

The handle of the deadlift dynamometer should be at knee level; The dynamometer is stretched without jerking, without bending the legs at the knees and the arms at the elbows. A hand dynamometer is placed in the hand with the scale facing up; when squeezing the device, the hand is freely lowered down or moved to the side; The highest value is noted after 2-3 measurements.

Anthropometry is the measurement of the human body and is an important part of the physical examination. The purpose of this method is to obtain accurate data about a person's height, weight, chest size, pelvic and abdominal circumferences, and other characteristics of the body. Without anthropometry, it is impossible to identify deviations from the norm and determine whether the disease is associated with impaired physical fitness or pathological changes in organs and tissues.
