What Lips “Say”

"What Lips Say: How Lip Shape Reflects Character and Temperament"

It is believed that lips are one of the most expressive elements of the face. The shape of the lips can reflect a person's character and temperament, as well as indicate his sexuality. In this article we will look at the correspondence between certain lip shapes and character and temperament.

Plump lips are considered a symbol of sexuality. The larger the facial features and the lips themselves, the greater the pleasure they promise. And such people really know a lot about sensual pleasures, be it sex, food or beautiful things.

Thin lips, on the contrary, occur in closed, thoughtful and silent people. These are hard workers who are sensitive to the successes of others, often have a sharp tongue and say what they think. But these are the most faithful friends you can rely on.

A protruding upper lip is a sign that its owner is a very purposeful and self-confident person. Sometimes this confidence turns into self-confidence, and therefore it is useless to argue with the owner of such lips; you still won’t be able to convince her.

A protruding lower lip indicates selfishness, unpredictability and imbalance. The mood of such people changes very often, and it is quite difficult to communicate with them. In addition, the owners of such lips often torment not only those around them, but also themselves with their whims and exorbitant demands.

Sharply defined, slightly upturned lips usually belong to people who can be content with little, have low self-esteem, are conservative by nature and prefer a bird in the hand to a pie in the sky. They should not change their lives too dramatically, otherwise they will become depressed.

It is worth noting that the shape of the lips can change depending on age, external factors and even mood. However, in general, lips can give an idea about a person and his character.

Thus, the shape of the lips can reflect a person's character and temperament, as well as indicate his sexuality. Knowing this, we can draw conclusions about people based on the shape of their lips. However, it is worth remembering that each person is individual, and one cannot rely entirely on such signs when assessing personality.