Oxygen for Baby

Oxygen for baby

The development of the child in the uterus occurs due to substances contained in the mother’s blood. An amazing organ - the placenta, which develops along with the child, is able to filter the nutrients necessary for the fetus from the blood vessels of the uterus. They reach the baby through the umbilical cord.

The most important substance is oxygen. We cannot exist without it, and if the supply of oxygen to the brain is insufficient, even for a short time, then the brain will certainly suffer. Oxygen enters the body through the lungs. The fetus does not use the lungs to breathe; it receives oxygen through the placenta directly from the mother’s blood. If the mother breathes correctly, she can provide the baby with the necessary amount of oxygen. During pregnancy, it is very important for a woman to be outdoors as much as possible.

Proper breathing is also important during childbirth. The muscles of the uterus contract to expel the fetus, and such intense muscle work requires more fuel than a woman's normal state. To supply the uterine muscles with enough oxygen, the mother needs to breathe properly. In addition, it helps to keep the baby in good health.

In addition to proper breathing, the mother should completely relax during contractions to facilitate blood circulation in the muscular lining of the uterus and quickly replenish oxygen consumption.

A woman will not be able to perform optimally if she does not learn to breathe correctly. Improper breathing gives rise to many diseases. Correct breathing involves controlling inhalation and exhalation. Fresh air enters the lungs and through their thin walls into the blood, and waste gases are expelled back.

Most people use only a fraction of their lung capacity. Frequent breathing requires additional tension in the respiratory muscles and stress on the heart. This can cause problems during pregnancy. A woman needs to learn to breathe correctly by mastering the simplest exercises.

In a relaxed state, breathing should be slow and deep, as in sleep. To achieve relaxation, you need to consciously slow down your breathing.

During activity, breathing quickens without volitional effort, adjusting to the need for oxygen. During childbirth, you just need to relax well, and your breathing will adjust automatically. There is no need to control it, this will only increase the tension.

Proper breathing is the key to the health of mother and baby!