Massage :: Page - 145

How to do Japanese massage


Japanese massage is extremely popular among women of any age, which, thanks to its amazing property of stimulating blood circulation, can restore female youth and beaut ...

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How to do wound makeup at home


Today you will learn how easy it is to make a bloody wound or cut yourself. For this you will need: any paints, be it gouache, watercolor or professional makeup: r ...

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How to do lymphatic drainage massage at home


What is the lymphatic drainage massage procedure? What is it, in what areas is it done and what lymphatic drainage massage techniques exist for use at home. You will find ...

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How to do cupping massage for cellulite video


An excellent option at home to get rid of that annoying orange peel is a cupping massage for cellulite. We propose to consider the technology of implementation, what mate ...

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How to do cupping massage at home


Cellulite is a plague for the fair half of humanity. Women, regardless of age and physique, suffer from the hated “orange peel,” which appears in most cases on the thig ...

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How to do facial peeling at home


In order for your skin to always be healthy and glowing, it is not enough just to wash your face and apply cream at night. Facial exfoliation should also be an integral p ...

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How to do a Jessner peel


For deep skin renewal in the shortest possible time, cosmetology uses acid peels. They come in different types and chemical compositions, and in this article we will talk ...

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How does sunscreen work?


Knowing how to choose the right tanning cream is important for everyone. Experts have found that ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by the skin all year round, both in win ...

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How does filler work in the nasolabial lips?


Nasolabial wrinkles cause a lot of discomfort. Sometimes it is enough to smooth out just them to “throw off” 5–8 years. Modern cosmetology offers painless rejuvenation pr ...

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How does starch affect facial skin?


The modern cosmetics market provides a huge selection of skin care products, but not all of them are safe and equally effective. In this article I will talk about the mir ...

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