How to do a Jessner peel

For deep skin renewal in the shortest possible time, cosmetology uses acid peels. They come in different types and chemical compositions, and in this article we will talk about one of the most common peels - the Jessner peel.

What it is

According to legend, it was named after a sailor named Jessner, who was the first to think of mixing together the acids used in the procedure. This was done to protect deck mates from the raging viral epidemic on the ship.

Chemical peeling is called because of its composition. Chemists mix salicylic and lactic acids in equal proportions (14% each) and add resorcinol. These ingredients tend to penetrate deep into the skin.

The resulting drug is applied to the skin, causing slight or heavy peeling - this depends on the percentage of acids in the composition. This reaction is explained by increased skin renewal - its layers are deliberately destroyed in order to subsequently enhance the production of collagen and elastin, reduce the secretion of sebum, reduce the visibility of pores and have a pronounced antibacterial effect. The keratinized layer of cells is eliminated, the skin becomes irritated and red, and then fresh, healthy and smooth skin appears in place of the peeling.

The result of a Jessner peel depends on the number of layers of the drug used applied to the skin. So, 1-2 layers will give the effect of superficial peeling - the skin will turn red, small white “flakes” of dead cells will form on it, the result will not affect deep scars and spots.

Application in 3 and 4 layers gives the most pronounced effect of medium peeling. The skin actively peels off, and subsequently the clients’ pigmentation spots turn pale or disappear completely, and small wrinkles and scars are smoothed out.

Deep peeling of the skin is performed extremely rarely, often for medical rather than cosmetic purposes. Applying more than 4 layers of acid at one time can cause burns and irreparable injuries to the skin.

Any acid peels, except superficial ones, can only be carried out by a dermatocosmetologist who has received a medical education and completed the appropriate courses.

How does the procedure work?

Before peeling, some specialists perform a superficial peel with a reduced acid content (for example, almond peel). This will help predict how your skin will react to stronger treatments. After that, after at least 10 days, they begin Jessner peeling.

First, the skin is cleansed of makeup and dirt. Afterwards, a layer of acidic preparation is applied to the face, wait up to 5 minutes, and then wash off the layer, which causes the most unpleasant sensations. If a more pronounced effect is required, the product is applied again up to 4 times. Many patients note a pungent alcohol odor from acids, which is normal.

After some time, the chemical mixture is washed off with water and a healing ointment is applied. Somewhere it’s Panthenol and analogues, somewhere it’s regular baby cream. Sometimes the specialist sends the patient home with facial peeling. In this case, after about 6 hours, you need to wash off the acids yourself with water without cleansing cosmetics.

You can watch the video, which breaks down the main aspects of the Jessner peeling in the salon.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for Jessner peel:

  1. Hyperpigmentation (sun spots, freckles and acne);
  2. Skin laxity and wrinkles;
  3. Excessive oiliness of the sebaceous glands;
  4. Skin prone to rashes;
  5. Roughness, porosity of the skin.

Jessner peel is not recommended for use by people with healthy skin. If you have minor imperfections such as a few spots and wrinkles, try mild acid treatments (such as almond peels) to improve the overall appearance of your face.


  1. Acne, demodicosis in the active stage;
  2. Herpes and other active infections;
  3. Postoperative period;
  4. Diabetes and other diseases of the endocrine system;
  5. Intolerance to peeling components;
  6. Pregnancy and lactation;
  7. Treatment with systemic retinoids at the time of procedure;
  8. The presence of fresh wounds on the skin.

Photos before and after the procedure

How many procedures are needed and how often can they be done?

For visible, but small results from Jessner peeling, one procedure is enough. However, after completing a course of 5-8 peels, the deepest forms of pigmentation and wrinkles are eliminated. The procedure can be repeated only after complete restoration of the skin!

The frequency of Jessner peels depends on the client’s age (the younger he is, the faster the tissue is restored, which means it is possible to exfoliate the skin more often). The average interval between peels is from 10 days to 2 weeks.

Procedure at home

It is not recommended to perform a Jessner peel on your own unless you have knowledge and experience in cosmetology and have never done an acid peel on yourself.

However, if you wish, you can purchase a bottle of the necessary acids at a professional store. When choosing a chemical composition, focus on a small percentage of acids - this way you can practically understand how much your skin needs.

Ideally, to better understand the essence of the procedure and your skin’s reaction to it, you should visit at least 1 peeling in the salon. You will be able to observe the actions of a professional to avoid mistakes at home.

In addition to the bottle of acids itself, purchase a healing cream for post-peeling care and in case of serious burns. These can be either classic professional ointments (Panthenol, Dexpanthenol, etc.) or creams from luxury brands (BIODERMA Cicabio Creme, LA ROCHE-POSAY Cicaplast, etc.). Study articles and videos about the Jessner peel, and then begin the procedure at home.

Below is a video that describes in detail examples of care products that will help with recovery.

Consequences of an illiterate procedure

The troubles that are most often encountered after a Jessner peel are redness, peeling, tightness, dryness and slight swelling. This is normal for such a strong acid peel - the effects disappear within a week.

However, if a cosmetologist or the person who performed the procedure at home makes a mistake, the following complications may occur:

  1. New rashes. Unaccustomed exposure to acids may cause the skin to become inflamed. When a client develops open and closed comedones and various forms of acne, he is prescribed non-aggressive treatment;
  2. Burns. After the procedure, the client will experience a mild or moderate form of burn in one way or another. Anything more comes from a large number of layers of the product applied on the skin (more often in the case of deep peeling). The patient is prohibited from aggressive washing and is prescribed healing ointments;
  3. Exacerbation of infection. This happens if the patient does not notify the dermatocosmetologist in time about his diseases in an active form (herpes, demodicosis, etc.). Before starting the procedure, you need to recover, and if the disease is chronic, then wait until the infection subsides and take medications that contribute to this.

Post-procedure care

Care after any acid peel is aimed at healing the skin and protecting it from the sun.

Immediately after the last layer of the Jessner peel is removed, a healing ointment or baby cream is applied to the client's face. It is recommended to travel home by car or taxi to minimize skin interaction with the sun and the environment.

It is forbidden to wash your face or touch your face in any way for 12 hours after peeling. Washing the next day is allowed. Taking a shower and lightly massaging your face can speed up the process of exfoliating dead particles. It is not prohibited to use foam cleansers for dry skin. Be sure to use healing care products throughout the day.

Do not manually pick off pieces of dead skin. You will only slow down its healing, and in the worst case, leave wounds and spots on your face.

Decorative cosmetics can be used approximately 11 days after peeling, but only if there is no obvious damage to the skin. Patients note that cosmetics adhere better to fresh skin after acids.

You also need to remember about sun protection. This applies not only to post-peeling care, but to life in general. Apply the product with patting movements in a thick layer. This should be done 20 minutes before going out into the sun. The recommended amount of sun cream for just one face is about 1.25 ml. Buy yourself a measuring spoon to find out how much you need. Its spf should be at least 30.

Update your Sanskrin every 2 hours you are outside. You don't need to wash your face first for this. Remember that not wearing sun protection will cause new wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and freckles that you fought with the Jessner peel.

Prices in the Russian Federation

Throughout Russia, Jessner peeling enjoys well-deserved popularity. Due to the location of the country in the north, it is easier for people to undergo skin restoration, because the absence of high UV radiation does not worsen the condition of the burns received.

The price tag for the procedure is also considered attractive. At the end of 2017, the price for peeling in Moscow and St. Petersburg ranges from 3,000 to 6,000 thousand rubles. The average price for most salons is 4,500 rubles. It does not include a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist.

It is noteworthy that for the same amount or even less you can purchase a ready-made bottle of Jessner acids. You can take a risk and try the procedure yourself, but be aware of the consequences. If you leave the mixture on for an extra few minutes, you can get severe burns and be left with deep scars on your face forever.

Reviews of this peeling in the salon are often positive. Girls note the quick results and low price for one procedure, as well as a tolerable recovery period. It is most often carried out in the autumn-winter period to minimize skin exposure to the sun.

Thus, the Jessner peel, like other acid treatments, has a number of pros and cons. Having assessed the seriousness of the procedure and aftercare, as well as being informed about possible complications, you can try peeling for yourself. If you take the matter seriously, you will see a clear result regarding the beauty of your skin after just a few procedures!

To cleanse and improve the health of the skin, Jessner peeling is increasingly being used at home, which, when used correctly, can solve a whole range of problems. Who is it recommended for, how to do it correctly and what results to expect after the procedure?

Benefits and effectiveness of Jessner peeling

Jessner peeling refers to chemical cleaning and is based on the following organic acids:

  1. salicylic;
  2. glycolic;
  3. dairy;
  4. trichloroacetic;
  5. Jessner's solution;
  6. phenol.

The composition can be based on three components, each of which plays its own role in cleansing, treating and rejuvenating the skin. Often cosmetologists focus on lactic and salicylic acids, as well as resorcinol. Properly selected components allow you to get rid of peeling without injuring delicate skin, clean the top layer of impurities, and also:

  1. activate collagen production;
  2. normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  3. accelerate metabolic processes that promote natural rejuvenation;
  4. disinfect;
  5. soften and moisturize the epithelium.

After the Jessner peel procedure, the recovery period lasts on average from 5 to 7 days. After this time, the skin will be completely restored, filled with strength and take on a completely different appearance.

This is interesting! The peel is named after a doctor in the US Navy. It was Max Jessner who first used this composition on himself as an aftershave lotion. Sailors used it as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent that helped prevent the spread of infections while sailing.

Are there any contraindications?

Although the use of peeling is quite common today and even Hollywood stars use it (which is why it is also called Hollywood), this type of procedure is not suitable for everyone.

First of all, people with the following problems should pay attention to such cleaning:

  1. acne and post-acne;
  2. rosacea;
  3. enlarged pores;
  4. increased secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  5. dark spots;
  6. wrinkles;
  7. scars, scars;
  8. loss of tone;
  9. black dots;
  10. comedones;
  11. freckles.

But cosmetologists recommend not to ignore contraindications for the procedure, ignoring which will not only not give the expected result, but can also worsen the condition of the skin and health. So, Jessner peeling is not suitable in the following cases:

  1. allergies;
  2. individual intolerance to at least one of the components included in the peeling;
  3. violation of the integrity of the skin surface;
  4. the presence of large moles, papillomas;
  5. skin diseases;
  6. burns;
  7. vein blockages;
  8. increased body temperature;
  9. carrying out chemotherapy procedures;
  10. during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  11. oncology;
  12. diseases of the immune system.

Women with dark skin should be wary of this type of exfoliation. Since the effect of peeling is aimed, in particular, at whitening the skin. Therefore, before the procedure, you must consult with a cosmetologist. Frequent cleansing is also contraindicated for older people, since radical effects of active substances can lead to loss of turgor in weakened skin and the formation of a capillary network.

How to carry out the procedure at home

Chemical peels are the trump card of many modern beauty salons. But often those procedures for which women are willing to pay a large sum of money can be carried out independently. This type of exfoliation was no exception.

Answering the question of how to do a Jessner peel at home, it is worth noting that the process of doing a Jessner peel at home contains several stages.


The initial stage consists of carrying out simple measures to prepare the skin for applying the cosmetic composition. To do this, 1-2 weeks before the procedure, cosmetologists recommend wiping your face twice a day with a special lotion containing a small percentage of fruit acids. This will soften the roughened top layer, as well as enhance the effect of the main acids used for chemical peeling.

A similar option could be a self-performed superficial peel, which has the same effect before the Jessner procedure. After the skin has been restored, it will be possible to move on to the main deep peeling. Already at the initial stage, do not forget about using sunscreen before going outside.

Choice of funds

Modern cosmetics manufacturers have made every effort to produce effective and safe products. Therefore, the original recipe can be supplemented with several more components.

To properly do a Jessner peel, you need to know how to choose components. Popular lines include products from the following companies:

  1. Onmacabim is an Israeli company whose product range also includes a Jessner peeling product aimed at gentle and gentle cleansing of the skin. 50 ml of product costs 400-450 rubles, and many beauty salons prefer this series;
  2. Mesoestetic specialists have created a hydro-glycerin formula for peeling. Relevant in the fight against wrinkles and scars. The composition already contains lactic, salicylic and citric acids. Action time - no more than 10 minutes, neutralized using a special product;
  3. Jessner Solution Peel or Jessner's solution from Medpeel is a medium cleansing product that contains 3 classic ingredients (salicylic and lactic acids, resorcinol). For superficial peeling there is an analogue - delicate Fusion peeling;
  4. Italian manufacturer Enerpeel has come up with a more potent formula called JR, which only takes a couple of minutes to apply, saving time without affecting performance. The frequency of use of JR is 2-3 times a year.

In addition to basic products, manufacturers produce a variety of restorative skin care products after the procedure.


Having chosen a suitable product or mixed the ingredients yourself in equal proportions, you can begin cleaning Jessner at home; peeling will not cause difficulties, but all manipulations must be performed carefully and carefully!

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. remove makeup, wash with milk or foam;
  2. degrease the skin with alcohol or salicylic lotion;

Note! Those with dry skin should be careful when handling alcohol-containing products, as there is a high risk of drying out the dermis.

  1. steam the skin so that the pores expand and the active peeling substances can penetrate deeper, thereby activating the processes of renewal and restoration in the deep layers of the epithelium;
  2. Apply a thin and even layer of Jessner Peel to the cleaned area. When treating the face, you should move in the forehead-chin direction, without touching the mucous membranes;
  3. for home use, it is advisable not to apply more than 2 layers of the product;
  4. in general, the product is on the face for 15-20 minutes;
  5. the interval between applying layers is 5-10 minutes.

Whether to wash off the product or whether to leave the Jenssner peeling is a pressing question. The answer is simple: at home it is better to remove the mixture after the specified time. This is done using special foams to easily remove chemical particles.

In beauty salons, the composition may not be washed off, but the cosmetologist applies a soothing mask on top of it. Depending on the peeling solution applied, the patient must remove it independently after 4-6 hours and apply a moisturizing mask.

Skin care after Jessner peel at home

After the Jessner peel ends and is washed off the face, the skin care process does not end. In most cases, post-peeling care plays a significant role in the final result.

To make the recovery process as easy as possible and without complications, you should follow simple rules:

  1. do not visit the pool, sauna, solarium or bathhouse for the next 2 months;
  2. use UV protection products;
  3. Do not use decorative cosmetics for 5-7 days;
  4. limit yourself to heavy physical activity that causes heavy sweating;
  5. do not peel exfoliating skin - all exfoliation processes should occur without outside interference;
  6. apply regenerating products that are sold in every pharmacy (Bepanten, Panthenol) and applied to the skin up to 5 times a day.

Failure to follow these recommendations can cause severe redness, itching, irritation, and swelling. After removing the peeling agent, many people feel a slight tingling and burning sensation: there is no need to be alarmed - this is a normal reaction of the body to acids. The condition of the facial skin after Jessner exfoliation can be judged after 4-5 days - this is how long the recovery period after cleansing lasts.


Jessner's medium peel is the best option for solving many aesthetic problems and age-related skin changes. Just a few procedures will renew the dermis not only externally, but also in its deep layers, and the lasting effect will surprise you with its quality and duration.

Exfoliation helps improve the appearance of the skin by removing dead cells. Jessner peeling is one of the few ways to get rid of skin imperfections and problems in a very short time, unlike creams, which do not always give the promised result after long use.

Composition, advantages and contraindications

At the moment, Jessner peeling (sometimes mistakenly spelled “Jessner”) is one of the most popular among girls and women due to its quick effect, relieving skin problems, and most importantly, for a long time.

Jessner Peel is a gentle combined chemical peeling. Most cosmetologists use this type of peeling as a superficial peel, but in some cases it can be used as a medium peel.

The substance contains:

  1. Salicylic acid - it has the ability to dissolve in oil, for this reason it is very often used in cosmetology to treat skin problems.
  2. Lactic acid – with its help, cells are regenerated and collagen is produced. Promotes skin rejuvenation and makes it smoother.
  3. Resorcinol is an active and effective exfoliator. Exfoliates and removes unnecessary dead cells during peeling.

It is not surprising that this peeling is popular in many countries, because it has a considerable list of benefits arising from its effects, which every girl and even some guys would not refuse:

  1. Delicate and smooth skin.
  2. Removing small wrinkles.
  3. Peeling removes and prevents the appearance of pigmentation on the face.
  4. More collagen and elastin are produced in the cells, which makes the skin much younger.
  5. Improving blood microcirculation.
  6. Effective cell renewal and restoration.
  7. Less abundant sebum secretion.
  8. Pores are cleansed and narrowed.
  9. Healthier complexion.

Despite a number of advantages, Jessner chemical peeling also has contraindications that should not be neglected:

  1. Prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. If there are rashes, wounds, cracks, fungus on the face.
  3. For thin and sensitive skin.
  4. For diabetes mellitus.
  5. If you are allergic to the components.

How is a Jessner peel done?

Each peeling in cosmetology is carried out in several stages, and Jessner peeling is no exception.

On the day of the procedure, you can immediately feel the effect of face tightening (lifting effect).

The first stage is to test the skin for allergic reactions. If these are not observed, the specialist moves on to the second stage of peeling.

The second stage – before peeling, the skin is thoroughly cleansed. In salons, a specially adapted solution is used for this, which completely disinfects and disinfects the skin and removes sebum.

The third stage - after the skin is cleansed, a thin layer of peeling agent is applied to it, most often this is done with a cotton swab. The patient should literally immediately feel a burning sensation. That's how it should be. If there is no burning sensation, then there will be no effect. This removes the top layer of dead cells. The procedure itself does not bring pleasant sensations, but it is still worth going through.

The fourth stage is the last in peeling. The cosmetologist uses a special solution to neutralize the peeling and wash off the remaining mixture from the face.

In addition to the 4 stages of peeling, there are also 2 levels:

  1. Superficial - the solution is applied in a very thin layer, kept on the skin for a short time so that the solution does not penetrate deeper. Most often it is done to prepare for the second level. After a superficial peel, the skin does not peel off or flake as much as after the second.
  2. The middle level is the second level, for which preparation is carried out in advance. For medium peeling, the solution is applied in several layers, most often 3-5 layers at a time. After this procedure, the skin becomes very red for 30 minutes, and the next morning it may even turn almost brown. The face will be covered with a film or light crust. The skin will tighten and after a few days peel off from the face in layers, as if a tan is peeling off. There is no need to panic, this is how it should be. Although, before the procedure, the patient must be informed by the cosmetologist or specialist who performs the procedure. This will last about 7 days, during which the skin will be completely renewed. After this week, the patient will immediately notice a result that is pleasing to his eyes.

After 2-3 weeks, the procedure is done again to consolidate the results already obtained. This peeling is done only 4-5 times, but this is an entirely individual choice.

Many girls do it only 2-3 times, and this will also be quite enough.

Skin care after peeling

After peeling, you must take care of your skin; this is also important. Skin care products and preparations should be prescribed exclusively by a cosmetologist.

Result before and after peeling

What you need to know:

  1. Mandatory compliance with what the cosmetologist prescribed.
  2. Avoid contact with water on your face for 12 hours after the procedure.
  3. Use only special cosmetics, forget about makeup during skin renewal.
  4. Wash your face only with boiled or purified water.
  5. Avoid skin exposure to sunlight.
  6. It is forbidden to peel off the skin, which will peel off within a week. She must get down herself.
  7. The skin should not be dry; it must be constantly moisturized with special creams that are prescribed by a cosmetologist.
  8. When going outside, you need to apply sunscreen and not stay in the sun for a long time.

Possible complications

As with all chemical peels, complications cannot be excluded after the Jessner peel. All complications are divided into two types:

The first type includes those complications that are known in advance and that occur in most patients. These are complications such as:

  1. Redness – this cannot be called a complication, since redness must be present after peeling. However, if the redness does not disappear within 2 days after the procedure, you should sound the alarm.
  2. Peeling is an inevitable complication after peeling.
  3. Darkening of the skin - the skin darkens 12 hours after peeling, but after 5-7 days you can forget about it.
  4. Skin sensitivity increases.

Unexpected complications include those complications that should not occur, namely an allergic skin reaction. This complication is rare, since special tests must be carried out before the procedure to avoid allergies.