Rules for staying in the sun

By following a number of simple recommendations in hot weather, you can fully enjoy relaxation and being in nature without harm to your health.

First of all, it is necessary to limit your stay on the street with an air temperature above 280C, especially during the period of maximum solar activity (from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.) or, if possible, try to choose shaded sides of the street; it is necessary to reduce physical activity; You should always cover your head with a hat or use a sun umbrella, and also use special water-based sunscreen cosmetics that reflect ultraviolet radiation and do not interfere with skin breathing. People with fair skin tones and children should choose a sunscreen with UV protection greater than 30 SPF.

If you have cancer, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases or various chronic diseases, you need to consult with your doctor about preventing exacerbations of these diseases and their complications, and also have prescribed medications with you.

In hot weather, you need to choose the right wardrobe. You should give preference to light clothing made from natural fabrics (cotton, linen, silk) in light colors and a non-fitting silhouette to provide the body with sufficient air and heat exchange. In hot weather, you should avoid wearing tight belts that impair blood circulation, as well as high-heeled shoes, which will help avoid swelling of your feet.

In an air-conditioned room, do not set the temperature below +230 - +250 C, since when going outside, a large temperature difference can negatively affect human health.

Never allow your skin to become red or sunburned. If this happens, spend at least two days in the shade. Infants should not be in the sun. Clothing does not completely protect the skin from the sun: cotton transmits 6% of the sun's rays, and up to 20% when wet.

Do not use decorative cosmetics, deodorants and perfumes when tanning - they can cause the appearance of pigment spots on the skin.

You should take a cool shower during the day.

The need for energy in hot weather decreases, and therefore the body needs less high-calorie food in summer. It is necessary to provide for a reduction in the amount of smoked, fried, and perishable food products.

To prevent dehydration, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, avoiding carbonated drinks and liquids with high sugar content, energy drinks and alcoholic drinks.

Try to spend less time driving. Due to the heat, the driver’s ability to concentrate is significantly reduced, some reactions are impaired and, as a result, the number of accidents increases.

On sunny hot days, most people prefer to be on the beaches. Bathing is only beneficial for healthy people, so consult your doctor. The first time you should swim in sunny, windless weather at an air temperature of 20-23 degrees Celsius, water temperature +170 +190 degrees. The best time of day for swimming is 8-10 am and 17-19 pm. You should not swim earlier than an hour to an hour and a half after eating. When swimming, you must remember the following rules of behavior on the water:

before swimming you need to rest, enter the water carefully, slowly;

swim in specially designated and equipped places;

do not swim far from the shore, do not swim beyond warning signs;

while swimming, you cannot stand still;

It is not recommended to swim at water temperatures below +170 – +190 air temperatures below +210 – +230C;

The duration of bathing should not exceed 15-20 minutes. Prolonged stay in water can lead to severe hypothermia and life-threatening convulsions;

do not dive in an unknown place: this can lead to injury and death;

you should not swim at night, as the visibility of possible danger is reduced to zero;

do not swim alone, especially if you are not confident in your abilities;

it is necessary to remember that it is prohibited to swim while intoxicated;

bathing time is determined according to local conditions, but not earlier than 2 hours before meals.

You should also adhere to the basic safety requirements when swimming:

1. when tired, swim calmly to the shore;

2. when convulsions appear, do not get lost, try to stay on the water and call for help;

3. never get scared or scream if something happens while you are in the water: while screaming, water can get into your lungs, and this is precisely the biggest danger;

4. When helping you, do not grab the rescuer sharply, but try to help him with your actions.

By following these simple recommendations, even in conditions of abnormal heat, you can maintain your health and fully enjoy the long-awaited summer days!

(c) Interregional Directorate of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare for the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol, 2006-2019.

Address: Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Naberezhnaya str., 67


Natalya Novikova

It is not recommended for a child to sunbathe in direct sunlight until he is one year old, because he can get sunburned very easily. However, if you go on vacation or just go out into nature, follow the following rules. As amended: the younger the child, the stricter their compliance is required:

• from 11 to 16 hours – the most active and harmful sun, you cannot be on the beach or open area at this time;

• use sunscreen and apply it to all exposed surfaces of your baby's skin 10-15 minutes before going out into the sun;

• dress your child, if possible covering areas where the sun's rays will fall directly, but it is important not to overheat the baby by dressing him too warmly;

• cover the baby's head with a hat, preferably one with a brim and light colors. It's a myth that blondes don't need to cover their heads because blonde hair doesn't get hot;

• do not let your child sunbathe in direct sunlight. It is ideal to do this in the shade of a tree. But even in this case, the baby should be protected with cream and clothing, because reflected light is also dangerous;

• on cloudy days, remember that ultraviolet radiation passes through clouds perfectly, so all the rules for being in the sun also apply here;

• increase your time in the sun gradually, starting from literally five minutes;

• be sure to give your baby enough to drink;

• if you are on the beach, do not allow the child to overheat, be sure to carry out water procedures more often. There is no need to wait until the child is completely overheated, otherwise later he may, on the contrary, become very hypothermic;


Rules for safe behavior during summer holidays

Rules for staying in the sun

To prevent sunburn and strokes, you must:

  1. In sunny, hot weather, protect your head with a light-colored (light reflects sunlight better), light, easily ventilated headgear, preferably made of natural cotton or linen.
  2. Protect your eyes with dark glasses, and the glasses must have filters that completely block the sun's rays of range A and B.
  3. Avoid staying in open spaces with direct sunlight. The sun is most active and dangerous during the period: from 12:00 to 16:00 hours.
  4. 20-30 minutes before going outside, you need to apply sunscreen to your skin (at least 25-30 units).
  5. You can stay in the open sun for no more than 5-6 minutes in the first days and 8-10 minutes after tanning; subsequently, you can gradually increase the time, but no longer than two hours with mandatory breaks in the shade and coolness.
  6. Avoid exposure to direct rays of the sun on your uncovered body, and especially your head - cover yourself with an umbrella, alternate swimming and resting on the sand, do not fall asleep in the sun, do not take long excursions in the heat, drink more.
  7. It is better to sunbathe not while lying down, but on the move, sunbathing in the morning and evening.
  8. Wipe your face with a wet, cool handkerchief from time to time, wash your face more often and take a cool shower.
  9. If you feel unwell, seek help immediately.

Water safety rules

  1. You need to swim an hour and a half after eating.
  2. If the water temperature is less than +16° C, then swimming is not recommended at all, as the cold may cause convulsions or loss of consciousness.
  3. When the water temperature is from +17 to +19 °C and the air temperature is about 25 °C, you should not stay in the water for more than 10-15 minutes.
  4. You should only swim in specially equipped safe places.
  5. It is forbidden to swim beyond the buoys, and if there are none, then it is too far from the shore.
  6. You cannot swim close to ships.
  7. You should not jump into the water in places where the bottom is shallow or unfamiliar.
  8. You cannot jump into the water from boats, piers, bridges and other places not intended for this purpose.
  9. After overheating in the sun or a long run, you should not suddenly jump into cold water, this can cause shock and loss of consciousness or cardiac arrest. You must first rinse with water.
  10. You cannot swim in a storm or with strong waves.
  11. You cannot swim in bodies of water whose banks are lined with large stones or concrete slabs; they become covered with moss, become slippery, and are dangerous and difficult to get out of.
  12. Air mattresses and rings are intended for swimming only near the shore.

You cannot play games in water that involve grabbing your opponent and holding him under water; your friend may choke and lose consciousness.

Actions in water and near water in dangerous situations

Teenagers and high school students must have the skills to behave in dangerous situations.

Often people drown because they panic and do not know how to control their body. You need to learn to relax while lying on the water, this will help you regain your strength. To do this, you need to roll over onto your back, your arms should be slightly spread to the sides, your legs too, they can be bent a little. If the body is gradually immersed in water, then you can support it on the surface with light, relaxed movements.

  1. If you get caught in a thicket of algae while swimming, don't panic. Swim slowly and carefully, free yourself from plant stems, make strokes at the very surface of the water.
  2. If you get into a whirlpool, then you need to take in as much air as possible into your lungs, dive under the water and turn sharply under water away from the whirlpool.
  3. If you find yourself in a strong current, do not try to swim against it - it will take all your strength. Swim with the flow, but at such an angle that you always get closer to the shore. Go back overland.
  4. When swimming in the ocean or sea, you may encounter a phenomenon called a “backdraft channel.” This is the place where the waves return. In such a place the swimmer will be carried away from the shore. In this case, you need to swim perpendicular to the channel (that is, essentially, along the shore), since the backdraft channels are usually no wider than 50 meters, and when the current weakens, you can head to the shore. To return, use the power of the waves, let them roll onto your back and push you towards the shore.

How to get rid of cramps

If you feel a muscle cramp, you should immediately get out of the water. If you are not near the shore and you won’t be able to swim quickly, then you can do the following:

  1. The cramp will go away if the muscle that it has contracted is pricked with something sharp, for example, a pin. That is why, during long and long swims, it is recommended to pin a small safety pin on the side of your swimming trunks.
  2. If you feel that you are getting tired and your body begins to experience weak short-term cramps, turn over on your back, rest and float for a while on your back.
  3. If a cramp has cramped your fingers, then you need to sharply clench your fingers into a fist, and then sharply throw your hand forward and outward (right to the right, left to the left), while sharply unclenching your fingers.
  4. If a cramp has cramped the calf muscle, then you need to take a bent position and pull the foot of the cramped leg towards you with both hands - towards your stomach and chest.
  5. If a cramp has cramped the thigh muscle, then you need to grab your ankle from the outside (closer to the foot) with your hands and forcefully pull it back towards your back.
  6. Practice doing movements that will help you get rid of the cramp. Let adults check how correctly you do them.
  7. This is important knowledge, your life may depend on it! Of course, there are other ways to get rid of cramps. We have given only the main ones, and you may find it more convenient to use another one. For example, you can get rid of contraction of the calf muscle by forcefully pulling the leg inward by the big toe, as if turning it at the knee and bending it in the middle towards the stomach. But always remember; The best protection against cramps is not to swim long and far from the shore and not to go into cold water. Always follow safety rules and you will be reliably protected!

A drowning person almost never screams, as they show in films. He does not have the strength to scream, he is fighting for a breath of air. Therefore, if you see someone whose eyes are bulging, he either dives into the water, then emerges slightly, his movements are erratic, he flounders and tries to move towards the shore - most likely, this person is drowning and he needs help.

  1. It is always important to inform an adult about a drowning person! If there are no adults, then you need to swim to it along the shortest line from the shore (if you are on the shore). At the same time, try to remember the landmark on the ground (and mentally draw a line from it); if a person goes under water, then you will approximately know where to look for him. It is better to save a person using any floating device (a circle, an inflated tire, a mattress), he and you can grab onto it and rest. If an adult who is larger than you is drowning, then saving him on your own and without floating devices is dangerous for you; you are unlikely to pull him out; rather, in a panic, he will drag you under the water.
  2. A drowned person can still be saved within 6-7 minutes, so don’t give up trying to find the one who went under water.
  3. If a drowning person is able to react normally to you, then calm him down, let him hold on to your shoulders from the back, and you row on your stomach to the shore with a breaststroke. An inadequate person must be taken from behind (maybe by the hair), so that his head is above the water, and rowed to the shore. If a person in a panic grabs you, then you need to dive sharply under the water; the drowning person in fear lets you go. If a person is unconscious, then you need to take him by the chin so that his face is above the water, and in this position swim to the shore.
  4. Always remember and follow water safety rules for children and teach this to your comrades. Safety in this case is not a sign of cowardice, but the caution of reasonable people.

Fire safety rules for open fires

  1. Open fires should only be lit in the presence of adults.
  2. You should not make fires near dry grass, leaves and trees; it is better to do it on bare ground.
  3. Do not play around with firecrackers, fireworks, etc.: a slight breeze is enough to start a large fire.
  4. In case of wind, it is necessary to extinguish the fire: fill it with water, then sprinkle it with damp earth.
  5. Be careful: a fallen spark must be extinguished as soon as possible with mountain soil and water.
  6. If a fire starts, run in the opposite direction of the wind, notify adults and the fire department as soon as possible

Injury Prevention Rules

  1. You must not play or be in dangerous places: construction sites, industrial zones, abandoned houses, roofs, attics, trees.
  2. Avoid contact with electrical wires: this is dangerous to life and health, because wires may be live.
  3. During thunderstorms and lightning, beware of open spaces and do not take shelter under trees or tall structures. It is best to wait out the bad weather indoors, away from windows and doors.
  4. Follow the safety rules when using rides and swings: do not stand up while the ride is moving or while swinging, do not swing to a great height, etc.; use all safety devices.
  5. Don't take pictures at heights. When photographing at a height (especially at altitude), there is a high risk of falling.
  6. When riding a bicycle, moped, scooter, roller skates, skateboards, etc. follow the traffic rules: ride in specially designated areas, avoid riding in areas where vehicles are moving, use protective equipment: helmet, elbow pads and knee pads; choose the right equipment; Before you start riding, learn how to brake; Avoid high speeds, watch the road topography and road conditions.
  7. Railway transport is not a place to test yourself and get adrenaline. Observe the rules of travel in railway transport: staying on platforms, boarding and disembarking passengers from the carriage, behavior in the carriages; It is strictly forbidden to be at railway junctions, interchanges, etc., to ride on the roofs, steps, transition platforms of cars; Cross railway tracks only in specially designated areas. Clinginess is an inadequate way of self-expression for emotionally immature people, don’t join their ranks!

Handling Injury Situations

  1. In any injury situation, it is necessary to seek help from an adult and medical professionals.
  2. Immediately after injury, first of all, it is necessary to calm the victim, understand whether he is conscious and what the severity of the injury is; The victim must not be left without help.
  3. For minor bruises and injuries, first aid can be provided to the victim in the form of treating the wound with an antiseptic and applying a cold object to the site of the bruise.
  4. In case of significant damage, lay the victim motionless, immediately report the accident to an adult and call emergency medical assistance.
  5. In case of a sunburn (stroke), it is necessary to provide protection from the sun (create shade using clothing, tree branches, etc.), place the victim in the shade, give water, then call an adult or medical worker for help.
  6. In case of burns, it is necessary to stop exposure to the source of the burn as soon as possible, apply a cold, frequently replaced napkin to the burn, immediately report the accident to an adult and call emergency medical help.
  7. In case of injury as a result of contact with electric current, along with the occurrence of a burn at the site of contact, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system are noted in the form of arrhythmic heartbeat and intermittent breathing, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance.

Summer is a wonderful time, and if you follow the basic rules

safety, it will be a source of happy impressions!