Night peeling kiehl s


Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Concentrate promises to gently renew your complexion, day after day, with the on-trend ingredient quinoa husk extract. Beauty insiders with different skin types put it to the test.
The new product replaces Kiehl's Over-Night Biological Peel - and now the concentrate is suitable for sensitive skin. His area of ​​responsibility is accelerating renewal (by reducing the adhesion of cells in the stratum corneum), evening out the texture and complexion. The main ingredient is quinoa husk extract. (They say that one jar contains about 2000 grains.) It also contains phytic acid, cactus extract and fruit acids.

Peeling is intended for daily use and has a cumulative effect. The brand recommends integrating it into your evening routine, after cleansing gel and toner and before serum/concentrate/cream. That is? after peeling - which is a little unusual - you can and should apply your usual serum and cream. The first results should be visible after seven days.


When using peeling, be sure to protect your skin with SPF cream. Therefore, together with it, we tried two versions of the sunscreen fluid Ultra Light Daily UV Defense SPF 50 PA+++ - Sunscreen and Mineral Sunscreen. Both protect against UVA and UVB rays and were tested on volunteers with sensitive and acne-prone skin.

The Mineral Sunscreen version has a tinting effect:






Our reviews

Yulia Grebenkina. Skin that is oily, acne-prone, with closed comedones, very sensitive and prone to redness


“Perhaps, this peeling has a hidden problem at the level of expectations: usually girls with problem skin who want to solve the problem of hyperkeratosis are interested in such products. But the peeling itself is made for everyone - that is, first of all, for normal skin, without hyperkeratosis leading to acne, but, for example, in which the renewal process has become slower with age or the owner’s complexion is not so pleasing. You need to remember this and adjust your expectations - if the task is to exfoliate everything to death, then this is not for Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Concentrate. Because he is truly the most gentle. I started using it in August, when my skin was very sensitive and literally reacted to everything (the lipid layer was clearly damaged). At that point, my regular acid treatment (which I switch to from time to time) felt like burning sandpaper. But this peeling - no, no reaction.

It is clear that you should not expect results from it, like from acids in concentration for the treatment of acne. This is such a light and non-irritating daily exfoliation that everyone, in principle, needs - so that the skin is slightly more even and smoother in the morning. Cheeks, forehead - good, but the lower part of the face, where I have closed comedones - no, heavy artillery is needed here.

And finally, I’d like to note that the Ultra Light Daily UV Defense SPF50 fluid is a cool thing with a light texture. Why didn't I know about him before? -)"

Lena Loginova. Combination skin, very sensitive, prone to clogged pores


“Acids are periodically useful for my skin: they get rid of comedones and make the complexion more even. But if you use a product with a slightly higher percentage of acid than usual, your face immediately turns red and begins to peel.

I was reassured that the Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Concentrate was suitable for sensitive skin. And indeed it is! I have never experienced any irritation or redness in a month and a half of use. But there is a downside: the product is so mild that it practically does not work. Yes, the complexion became a little more even, but the clogged pores remained in their places - the texture of the skin did not change in any way. And this is a shame, considering how much I liked the design (a neat green glass jar) and the ease of application (4-5 drops from a pipette, smeared and lay down overnight).”

Karina Tumanskaya. The skin is normal, sometimes it can be a little dry, there is rosacea


“Last night peeling from Kiehl’s was on my list of favorites. It worked for me right away: you apply it at night, in the morning you get smooth and fresh skin. So I was expecting something “wow” from Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Concentrate.

I applied it at night, woke up in the morning - nothing. I waited a week. Still nothing. I used it properly for three weeks. Nothing. So I agree with almost every word of Lena Loginova’s review - no irritation, no effect.

But on the contrary, I really liked the Ultra Light Daily UV Defense Mineral Sunscreen fluid. Its toning is enough to get close to ideal skin. Lasts all day and can survive even a very active workout. It doesn’t clog pores, doesn’t provoke inflammation, you can apply it without looking in the mirror—it adjusts and somehow evens itself out.”

Lena K. Problematic skin prone to oiliness


“I didn’t understand the previous peeling; it was sticky and not effective at all. The new one is also not about an instant transformation from a dull “before” to a cool “after,” but I like it better. He works. Since I have hyperkeratosis, I see “acceleration of skin renewal” right in the morning. There were subcutaneous inflammations - it became less. And the more regularly you use it, the better the effect: that is, this is not peeling “once a week”, but soft exfoliation “for every day” without overdrying or peeling. Special respect to Kiehl’s for the fact that you can apply your usual care on top of the concentrate, and not be stuck choosing whether today – a restoring cream or a peeling.

I also want to praise the Ultra Light Daily UV Defense Sunscreen fluid. I can’t remember any SPF 50 PA +++ products that have such a light, non-sticky texture as milk. Absolutely does not clog pores! If you are looking for something that is light and powerful, I recommend it.”

Yana Zubtsova. Normal skin, aged, there are wrinkles, rosacea and other troubles
