Vitamin is after peeling

Medium or deep peeling of the skin causes damage to the structure of the epidermis, which leads to the formation of burns, swelling and redness of the tissue. Cosmetic facial care allows you to accelerate cell regeneration, restore water balance, and prevent the appearance of pigmentation, inflammation and scars.

Normal skin reaction after peeling

Immediately after visiting a beauty salon and performing a rejuvenating procedure, the following is allowed:

  1. burning, itching of the skin;
  2. hyperemia, erythema of the face;
  3. tingling, feeling of tightness;
  4. swelling of tissues;
  5. thermal burn after deep peeling.

Such symptoms are a natural reaction of the body to the procedure and are not considered a pathology. During this period, it is necessary to carefully care for your facial skin and follow the recommendations of a cosmetologist. If the condition worsens, the inflammatory process develops, or the body temperature rises, you should consult a doctor.

Products for post-peeling skin care

Damaged epidermis needs hydration to reduce the feeling of tightness and eliminate the likelihood of scar formation. The best are:

1. Hidraloe Aloe Gel is a professional hypoallergenic gel from a famous Spanish cosmetic brand. This drug has bactericidal, regenerating and tonic properties. Quickly heals wounds, moisturizes the skin and maintains water balance, relieves irritation. The Hydrogel contains aloe vera extract, which helps restore the dermis and provides facial care after peeling. Has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and cooling effects. The product does not cause side effects and is suitable for all skin types and all ages.

2. If after peeling your face itches or irritation appears, the hypoallergenic gel Uriage Pruriced, which has an antipruritic effect, will help. The drug is made on the basis of thermal water and calamine. It has a light texture, does not leave greasy marks on the skin, relieves itching and discomfort, and accelerates the healing of burns. Uriage Pruriced is recommended for patients of any age, suitable for sensitive epidermis.

3. You can take care of irritated facial skin that is prone to swelling and bruising using Arnica gel (in case of swelling on the face, read this article). Improves blood microcirculation, heals wounds, resolves bruises. The drug contains panthenol, due to which the dermis is moisturized and becomes elastic. The gel is easily absorbed, causes a feeling of coolness, and is approved for use on any type of epidermis.

4. If after peeling your face is red, the skin burns and hurts, it is useful to use N Puri-Capilium washing gel. This drug relieves inflammation, burning, hyperemia, erythema and moisturizes damaged dermis. The use of a cosmetic product allows you to delicately cleanse the skin without a feeling of tightness and dryness. The gel maintains the skin's protective barrier thanks to panthenol and allantoin included in the product. Milk thistle extract has an antioxidant effect and protects against ultraviolet radiation.

5. If acne or inflammation appears on the skin after visiting a cosmetologist, it is recommended to care for the dermis with Tea Tree tonic from the Austrian company Styx Naturcosmetic. The composition of the drug includes natural essential oil, extracts of geranium, lemon, aloe vera, arnica and hemamelis. It has an antiseptic effect, activates the regeneration of damaged tissues, relieves itching and irritation, reduces acne, and eliminates the manifestations of dermatitis.

6. Librederm hyaluronic water provides effective post-peeling care. The product contains blue algae extract, oat beta-glucan, demineralized water and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. The moisturizer helps restore water balance, reduces the feeling of tightness, and increases the skin's protective barrier. Apply to face 2 times a day, morning and evening.

7. It is necessary to take care of your face after chemical peeling and laser resurfacing using Arkana Unitone TXA + Vit C Cream. This drug restores and brightens the dermis if age spots have appeared. This innovative dermatocosmetological product contains tranexamic acid and stable vitamin C. The cream protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and whitens unwanted pigmentation.

Professional cosmetics will help moisturize the damaged dermis and prevent the development of complications.

Rules for facial care after peeling

In order for the skin to recover quickly and to avoid complications, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Do not visit the solarium, bathhouse, swimming pool, or be in direct sunlight, this can cause pigmentation;
  2. You can wash your face only 12 hours after peeling;
  3. It is prohibited to use decorative cosmetics for 2 days;
  4. You cannot independently tear off peeling areas of skin or touch your face with your hands in order to prevent the development of inflammation and tissue scarring;
  5. for 3–6 months it is necessary to use creams with ultraviolet protection SPF-50;
  6. to prevent acne, the dermis should be smeared with sebostatic, anti-inflammatory agents;
  7. Usual face creams can be used 5 days after peeling;
  8. in case of severe pain, you can take a painkiller;
  9. Do not use masks and scrubs for the face, this will lead to skin injury;
  10. before carrying out phenol peeling, it is necessary to undergo a course of antibacterial therapy;
  11. after peeling with trichloroacetic acid, the skin should not be allowed to come into contact with water for 2 days;
  12. To avoid herpes rashes, take antiviral drugs first.

There are several types of cosmetic procedures, so the post-peel facial may vary slightly. The cosmetologist explains how to prevent complications, what should be applied to the dermis for rapid regeneration, and what the consequences may be if the recommendations are not followed.

How to avoid negative consequences?

One of the common complications on the face after peeling is the appearance of herpes rashes. This happens if the client has not completed a course of antiviral treatment before visiting the beauty salon. It is necessary to eliminate negative consequences with the help of pulse therapy and taking antiherpetic drugs.

A common complication of chemical peeling and laser resurfacing is the appearance of pigmentation. To prevent such consequences, the patient is recommended to take care of facial skin using products containing kojic and retinoic acid. After the procedure, it is necessary to use antioxidants: vitamin C, E, selenium.

The main task of post-peeling care is to intensively moisturize the dermis and restore its protective barrier. This ensures normal healing, regeneration of damaged cells, and significantly reduces the risk of scar formation. The duration of use of special cosmetics is determined individually for each client, taking into account the type of procedure performed and indications.

After visiting a cosmetologist, you are allowed to wash your face only after 12 hours, using warm boiled water without soap. Do not dry yourself with a towel; gently blot your face with a cotton napkin. Then medicinal gels are applied to the skin; they must be smeared 2 times a day. After 5 days, post-peeling creams are allowed to be used.

Facial care after professional peeling of medium or deep layers of skin is an important stage of anti-aging therapy. Following your doctor’s recommendations and using restorative agents will help speed up tissue regeneration and prevent unwanted consequences.

After facial cleansing, patients have the main question of what to apply to their face after peeling. The final effect of cleansing and the rate of restoration of the integument depend on the care provided. To ensure that after peeling there are no traces left except tightened and soft skin, it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations, carefully observe changes and immediately respond to defects.

Possible consequences of peeling

Peeling is a useful procedure. It gets rid of excess “cargo” in the form of dead cells, particles of dirt, fat and sweat, eliminates wrinkles, age spots, scars from acne, chickenpox or measles. However, along with getting rid of problems, a number of unpleasant consequences of the procedure may appear. They are temporary and are considered normal after peeling:

  1. Peeling is a visible renewal of the skin. Old, keratinized layers give way to new fibers. During this period, intensive hydration is important. Shea butter and preparations with hyaluronic acid are excellent, which can be used 1-2 days after the peeling;
  2. Redness on the face is an adequate consequence of a skin burn. By exposing the epidermis to acids and a laser beam, you purposefully burn the tissue. The degree of redness and the duration of its passage depend on the strength and depth of exposure. According to statistics, redness lasts 5 days, but there have been cases when the effect lasted up to a month. To eliminate it, use vascular strengthening products containing Omega 3 acid.
  3. Puffiness is a popular problem for those with thin skin. Swelling is considered a completely acceptable phenomenon. In the normal course of rehabilitation, swelling will go away in a few days.

These symptoms after peeling are considered normal; you are required to strictly follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations. However, if there is the slightest complication, consult a doctor immediately.

Post-peeling care is an important step in the skin cleansing procedure. Be attentive to side effects, monitor changes in skin color, texture and your own well-being.

Basic products and post-peeling care

When the skin cleansing procedure is completed, the question arises: how to care for and what to apply to your face after peeling in order to reduce recovery time and prevent complications. It is difficult to answer the question unambiguously; it all depends on the type of peeling and the depth of exposure of the exfoliant.

Procedures after peeling with scrubs

Scrubs are considered the lightest cleansers. They contain abrasive particles, they act on the skin, exfoliate dead cells and dirt. Massage with abrasive particles of the product evens out the tone and texture of the skin, activates important processes (metabolism, renewal of the epidermis) and blood flow. Peeling with scrubs does not involve exposure to acid, so there are no burns or unpleasant side effects.

After scrubbing, the skin is slightly dry and a feeling of tightness may appear. The next day after the procedure, focus all your attention on moisturizing the skin. Use moisturizing tonics, wash your face with herbal decoctions and apply a cream with a moisturizing effect at least 2 times a day, massage with cosmetic plant oils.

After any peeling, decorative cosmetics cannot be used until the skin is completely restored. The exceptions are eyes and lips.

What to apply to your face after a superficial chemical peel

Do not rush to apply cosmetics to your skin after peeling. In the first day you don’t even need to touch it, so as not to cause an infection. On the second day, when your face is covered with a thick, shiny film, start washing with gel and foam. Make sure there are no scrubbing particles in them. It is recommended to use foams and gels rich in antioxidants.

Apply the medicinal product suggested by the cosmetologist to your face; it may contain panthenol and hyaluronic acid. They enhance the rate of recovery and perfectly moisturize the skin. Apply medicinal cosmetics 3-4 times a day. Facial massage is not required; it is better to use cosmetics in the form of a spray to minimize contact with burned skin. Repeat the procedures until the film is completely rejected.

After cleansing your face, it is important to protect your skin well from sun exposure. Ultraviolet rays negatively affect the condition of renewed skin and provoke hyperpigmentation. Do not forget to use sunscreens with a high degree of protection during the rehabilitation period.

Scrubs cannot be applied during the rehabilitation period after peeling. They will disrupt the newly formed layer of the epidermis, cause infection, provoke complications and prolong the recovery period.

What to do after a midline chemical peel

Medium peeling differs from superficial peeling by a higher concentration of the active chemical agent, deeper tissue damage and extensive burns. In the first days (from 2 to 4 days) you should not even wash your face with water. Partial moistening of the area around the eyes and lips is allowed.

If an unusual shine appears or a rough film appears on the surface of the face, start applying medications. Therapeutic cosmetics should contain antioxidants, panthenol, and hyaluronic acid. Apply the products 6 times a day, no massage required, touch the skin minimally.

After the yellow peeling procedure, it is recommended to additionally include therapeutic masks with lactic acid and natural balms with regenerating properties that soothe the skin and protect against bacteria and infections. Shea butter, cranberry extract, panthenol will suit you.

Arm yourself with sunscreens with a high degree of protection (SPF 50+). They will have to be used within 2-3 months after facial peeling. After some peelings, additional antibiotics and painkillers will be required. Check with your cosmetologist about them.

Cosmetics after deep peeling

Deep peeling with acids is rarely used. Care after it is special; it involves several stages:

  1. On the first day after cleansing your face, washing your face and touching the skin with your hands is prohibited.
  2. Starting from the second day, lotions are made with a weak solution of acid, compresses, the skin is treated with a medicinal ointment with an anti-inflammatory, soothing effect or pure petroleum jelly. The cosmetologist may additionally prescribe a special product for application and treatment of the affected surface.
  3. On the third day, the face is treated with a special cream and bandages are applied, which will accelerate the exfoliation of old tissues and provide additional protection from the aggressive influence of the external environment. Continue the procedures for up to two weeks.
  4. The final stage will last until the tissue is completely restored and involves regular application of wound-healing ointments, products with hyaluronic acid and panthenol, and sunscreens with the highest protection factor.

After deep peeling, the rehabilitation process is painful, so it is necessary to take antibiotics, painkillers, and antiviral drugs.

Means to combat complications

If care is not taken properly after peeling, consequences that are unusual for cleansing may occur on the skin. You need to fight them at the first manifestations. The degree of unpleasant consequences and the duration of the recovery period depend on the speed of your reaction.

Let's consider the main complications after cleansing the skin:

  1. The appearance of acne is a problem often caused by inappropriate care after peeling. To eliminate the disease, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist to prescribe a sebostatic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent;
  2. An allergic reaction, itching, rashes - it is better to avoid allergies than to treat them later. After peeling, the skin becomes more sensitive to cosmetic products, so before using cream, foam, or gel, perform an allergy test. In response to allergies, antihistamine medications are prescribed to relieve symptoms;
  3. Hyperpigmentation – this also needs to be prevented. To do this, plan serious facial cleansing procedures for autumn and winter, protect your face from sun exposure as much as possible, and use special creams. Avoid cosmetics with extracts of lavender, lemon, bergamot, orange and cinnamon for a while. To eliminate already noticeable stains, the cosmetologist prescribes whitening creams;
  4. Hardening of the skin, the appearance of a crust - tearing it off is strictly prohibited. Be patient - it will go away on its own.

Remember, complications after peeling are a sign of improper, insufficient care. Do not hesitate, at the slightest suspicion of illness, contact a specialist to prescribe a remedy or drug.

Cosmetologists strongly recommend

For rehabilitation to be successful, do not neglect the advice of cosmetologists:

  1. Use the products and medications prescribed by your doctor. You cannot prescribe treatment for yourself. This can have a detrimental effect on the skin, leading to complications and new problems;
  2. Strictly follow the cosmetologist's instructions. If you have questions about prescribed cosmetics and medications, or your skin changes for the worse, contact him immediately;
  3. Do not peel off the film, do not touch your face with your hands - this will protect against infection, prevent residual scars, scars on the face;
  4. Renewed skin needs additional protection from sun rays. Regularly use sunscreens, lotions, sprays with the maximum SPF factor;
  5. Massage and masks should be postponed until the dead layer of cells is peeled off;
  6. During rehabilitation, you are required to have maximum participation, attention to the condition of the epidermis, and good care.

After peeling, do not rush to use folk remedies or self-medicate. This can negatively affect the skin and delay the process of its restoration and renewal. Be attentive to yourself, this is the only way you will achieve success and high results from the procedure!

Consequences of peeling and skin resurfacing

Peels and resurfacing are popular. However, many are put off from these procedures by stories about their unpleasant consequences. What should you believe and how to recover faster after peelings?

Olga Vladimirovna Zabnenkova, candidate of medical sciences, head of the department of medical cosmetology of the Central Research Dermatovenerological Institute in Moscow, advises.

— How true are the stories about the frightening consequences of peelings?

— In every fairy tale, of course, there is some truth. Any chemical peeling, microcrystalline dermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing always damages the skin. Naturally, after such procedures a protective inflammatory reaction develops. Redness, swelling appears, and the skin peels off. All of these are completely expected reactions that go away on their own after some time.

But if the patient was not properly prepared for peeling or resurfacing, or these procedures were not initially indicated for him, “unexpected” consequences may occur.

— What exactly will patients have to face after peeling or resurfacing?

— During the first days after the procedure, the skin remains dehydrated. In addition, redness is sure to occur. Its intensity and duration depend on the depth and type of exposure. For example, after peeling with fruit acids, only slight redness occurs, which goes away after a couple of hours.

While after peeling with trichloroacetic acid, the skin remains red for up to two days. And after retinoic or medium peels, bright redness lasts up to 5 days.

In addition, after such procedures, the skin will definitely peel off. Peels with fruit acids are again the most comfortable. After them, peeling begins on the 2-3rd day and lasts only a couple of days. But other types of peelings will “delight” you with severe peeling, which can last a whole week.

Consequences such as swelling of the skin are common, which also goes away with time.

— Is it possible to somehow reduce the severity of all these phenomena?

- Without a doubt. To do this, you need to properly care for your skin. The main task is to moisturize it and restore the damaged barrier layer. In the first days, it is best to use cosmetics in the form of gels or foam. They are easy to apply and quickly absorbed.

Approximately on the 3-5th day you can switch to creams. They must contain moisturizing, restorative and protective substances, as well as antioxidants.

It is very important to strictly observe the hygiene regime. Try to touch the skin as little as possible - after peeling it is very vulnerable.

Under no circumstances should you indulge in self-medication. Some herbal mask according to your grandmother’s recipe can provoke an allergic reaction, which will increase the rehabilitation time several times.

— Is it possible to develop an allergy to the peeling itself?

- Very rarely. Allergies can only be caused by additional components included in the peeling. In addition, post-peeling masks and creams contain active ingredients that can also trigger a reaction. Here you need to act immediately. As soon as redness, itching and swelling appear, an intramuscular injection of antihistamines should be given. To prevent this from happening, you need to inform your doctor about any allergic reactions you have experienced before the procedure.

In general, it is important to talk in detail about all diseases. For example, after peeling you may experience an exacerbation of herpes. And this is fraught with the formation of scars. Therefore, if you have an exacerbation of herpes more than twice a year, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

— What should you do when one of the expected reactions after peeling lasts longer? For example, if redness and swelling do not go away in due time.

- This is a very unfavorable reaction. Essentially, it says that the peeling was not selected and carried out correctly. The important thing here is not to hesitate and take action as quickly as possible. In such cases, a whole range of drugs is used: antioxidants, anti-inflammatory drugs. Zinc preparations and steroid creams are also prescribed.

All recommendations must be strictly followed. Because such reactions can lead to the development of persistent hypersensitivity of the skin.

This is much more difficult to deal with. Increased sensitivity especially often develops in people with thin and dull skin. It also affects those who have undergone medium or repeated deep peeling twice on the same area of ​​skin within a year. Hypersensitivity can last up to a year. Microcurrent therapy and special cosmetics help to cope with it.

— Sometimes the face remains red for several months after peeling. With what it can be connected?

- This is also a common complication. Patients with spider veins are prone to it, for whom the type of peeling was again chosen incorrectly. Persistent redness can last from a month to a year.

To speed up this process, it is important to avoid active sun, intense physical activity, and not visit the sauna or bathhouse. It is also worth adjusting your diet and giving up alcohol, hot and spicy foods, and marinades.

It is very useful to take Omega-3 during this period. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. By the way, it is also effective before peeling. For external use, a “vasoconstrictor tonic” is used, which can be ordered at a pharmacy with a doctor’s prescription.

In order to get rid of spider veins, two to three months after peeling, they can be photocoagulated. For the complete disappearance of burst vessels, at least three sessions will be required, which are carried out once a month.

In addition, the situation can be improved by vascular medications, such as Lyoton gel or Arnica cream. They are joined by microcurrent therapy and mesotherapy. The latter, however, is used with caution. Still, this procedure is quite painful. And patients after not very successful peeling are especially sensitive to such manipulations.

— How often can pigment spots appear after peeling and polishing?

— This question is primarily related to the selection of the procedure. Thus, after peeling with fruit acids, as well as retinoic, phytin, phenolic and dermabrasion, hyperpigmentation practically does not occur. While after a median chemical peel with trichloroacetic acid and laser resurfacing, it is quite likely.

In addition, according to our observations, some physiotherapeutic procedures after peeling can also provoke the appearance of age spots. This applies, for example, to electrical lymphatic drainage and ultrasound therapy. All this should be taken into account by those whose skin is prone to hyperpigmentation.

Such patients require special pre-peeling preparation. They are also prescribed a whole range of medications that need to be used after peeling.

If pigment spots do appear, whitening procedures will be needed. In most cases, they help solve the problem.